This circuit is a temperature-based fan speed control and monitoring system. It reads the temperature from an LM35 sensor and adjusts the speed of a fan accordingly. The temperature and fan speed are displayed on a 16x2 LCD. If the temperature exceeds a maximum threshold, an LED is turned on.
9V Battery
Arduino UNO
40 Fan 12v
16X2 LCD
Resistor (1k Ohms)
Electrolytic Capacitor (10uF)
LED: Two Pin (red)
NPN Transistor (EBC)
Temperature Sensor (LM35)
* Temperature Based Fan Speed Control & Monitoring
* This code reads the temperature from an LM35 sensor and adjusts the speed of a
* fan accordingly. It also displays the temperature and fan speed on a 16x2 LCD.
* If the temperature exceeds a maximum threshold, an LED is turned on.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
int tempPin = A0; // the output pin of LM35
int fan = 11; // the pin where fan is
int led = 8; // led pin
int temp;
int tempMin = 30; // the temperature to start the fan 0%
int tempMax = 60; // the maximum temperature when fan is at 100%
int fanSpeed;
int fanLCD;
void setup() {
pinMode(fan, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(tempPin, INPUT);
lcd.begin(16, 2);
void loop() {
temp = readTemp(); // get the temperature
if (temp < tempMin) { // if temp is lower than minimum temp
fanSpeed = 0; // fan is not spinning
analogWrite(fan, fanSpeed);
fanLCD = 0;
digitalWrite(fan, LOW);
} else if (temp <= tempMax) { // if temperature is higher than minimum temp
fanSpeed = temp; // map temperature to PWM range
fanSpeed = 1.5 * fanSpeed;
fanLCD = map(temp, tempMin, tempMax, 0, 100); // speed of fan to display on LCD
analogWrite(fan, fanSpeed); // spin the fan at the fanSpeed speed
} else { // if temp is higher than tempMax
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // turn on led
if (temp <= tempMax) {
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // turn off led if temp is not higher than tempMax
lcd.print("TEMP: ");
lcd.print(temp); // display the temperature
lcd.print("C ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // move cursor to next line
lcd.print("FANS: ");
lcd.print(fanLCD); // display the fan speed
int readTemp() { // get the temperature and convert it to celsius
temp = analogRead(tempPin);
return temp * 0.48828125;