The Gesture Recognition Sensor PAJ7620U2 by PixArt Imaging is a compact and versatile sensor capable of detecting a wide range of hand gestures. This sensor uses infrared technology to recognize movements and is ideal for interactive projects, including gesture-controlled lights, games, robotics, and other innovative applications. Its ability to interpret human hand gestures adds a layer of interactivity and accessibility to electronic projects.
Pin Number | Pin Name | Description |
1 | VCC | Power supply (2.8V to 3.3V) |
2 | GND | Ground |
3 | SCL | I2C Serial Clock Line |
4 | SDA | I2C Serial Data Line |
5 | INT | Interrupt (active low) |
#include <Wire.h>
#include "PAJ7620U2.h"
// Define the interrupt pin (connect PAJ7620U2 INT pin to this pin on Arduino)
PAJ7620U2 gestureSensor;
void setup() {
// Initialize gesture sensor
if (gestureSensor.begin() == false) {
Serial.println("PAJ7620U2 init failed!");
while (1);
Serial.println("PAJ7620U2 init successful.");
// Attach interrupt to the INT pin
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(GESTURE_INTERRUPT_PIN), gestureDetected, FALLING);
void loop() {
// Main loop can perform other tasks while waiting for gesture interrupts
void gestureDetected() {
uint8_t gesture = gestureSensor.readGesture();
switch (gesture) {
Serial.println("Up gesture detected");
Serial.println("Down gesture detected");
// Add cases for other gestures...
Q: Can the PAJ7620U2 sensor work with 5V systems? A: The sensor is rated for 3.3V operation. Use a level shifter or voltage regulator when interfacing with 5V systems.
Q: How many gestures can the PAJ7620U2 recognize? A: The PAJ7620U2 can recognize 9 basic gestures, including up, down, left, right, forward, backward, clockwise, counterclockwise, and wave.
Q: Is it possible to adjust the sensitivity or range of the sensor? A: The sensor's parameters can be adjusted through its registers. Refer to the PAJ7620U2 datasheet for detailed register information.
Q: What should I do if the sensor is not detecting gestures consistently? A: Ensure that the sensor is placed within the recommended detection distance (5 to 15 cm) from the hand gesture. Also, check for any sources of interference and adjust the sensor's position accordingly.
For further assistance, consult the PAJ7620U2 datasheet or contact PixArt Imaging support.