The ADXL355 is a high precision, low-power, 3-axis MEMS accelerometer designed by Analog Devices Inc. It is capable of measuring acceleration with a high resolution of up to 3.9µg/LSB and low noise performance, making it suitable for a wide range of applications including industrial monitoring, medical devices, platform stabilization, and inertial navigation.
Pin Number | Pin Name | Description |
1 | VDD | Power supply voltage (2.25V to 3.6V) |
2 | GND | Ground reference for the power supply |
3 | CS | Chip select for SPI interface (active low) |
4 | INT1 | Interrupt output 1 |
5 | INT2 | Interrupt output 2 |
6 | SDO/ALT ADDRESS | SPI serial data output / I2C alternate address selection |
7 | SDA/SDI | I2C data line / SPI serial data input |
8 | SCL/SCLK | I2C clock line / SPI serial clock input |
9 | DRDY | Data ready indicator output |
10 | TEMP | Temperature sensor output (optional use) |
11 | RSV | Reserved. Connect to GND. |
12 | RSV | Reserved. Connect to GND. |
#include <Wire.h> // Include the I2C library (required for the ADXL355)
// ADXL355 I2C address (check datasheet for your device's address)
#define ADXL355_ADDRESS 0x1D
// ADXL355 registers
#define DEVID_AD 0x00
// Add additional register definitions here
void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // Initialize I2C
Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication at 9600 baud
// Check device ID
if (readRegister(DEVID_AD) == 0xAD) {
Serial.println("ADXL355 found!");
} else {
Serial.println("Device not found. Check connections.");
// Initialize the ADXL355 here
// Configure measurement range, output data rate, etc.
void loop() {
// Read acceleration data
// Convert raw data to g's and output the results
// Implement data reading and conversion here
// Function to read a register from the ADXL355
byte readRegister(byte reg) {
Wire.requestFrom(ADXL355_ADDRESS, 1);
// Add additional functions for writing to registers, reading multiple bytes, etc.
Q: Can the ADXL355 be used in battery-powered applications? A: Yes, the ADXL355 is designed for low-power operation, making it suitable for battery-powered devices.
Q: How do I select the measurement range? A: The measurement range can be set by writing to the appropriate register. Refer to the datasheet for the specific register settings.
Q: What is the maximum sampling rate of the ADXL355? A: The ADXL355 can sample up to 4000Hz, but the actual maximum rate depends on the selected output data rate (ODR) setting.
This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to the ADXL355 accelerometer, enabling users to integrate it into their projects effectively. For further details and advanced features, refer to the official datasheet provided by Analog Devices Inc.