The IC 7483, also known as the 74LS83, is a 4-bit full adder chip that performs the addition of two 4-bit binary numbers. This integrated circuit is essential in digital electronics for executing binary addition, which is a fundamental operation in arithmetic logic units (ALUs) within CPUs, digital counters, and various other computational circuits. The IC 7483 is designed to offer high-speed performance while maintaining low power consumption, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | A1 | First bit of the first 4-bit input number (LSB) |
2 | B1 | First bit of the second 4-bit input number (LSB) |
3 | Σ1 | Sum output for the first bit (LSB) |
4 | Σ2 | Sum output for the second bit |
5 | A2 | Second bit of the first 4-bit input number |
6 | B2 | Second bit of the second 4-bit input number |
7 | GND | Ground (0V) |
8 | A3 | Third bit of the first 4-bit input number |
9 | B3 | Third bit of the second 4-bit input number |
10 | Σ3 | Sum output for the third bit |
11 | Σ4 | Sum output for the fourth bit (MSB) |
12 | A4 | Fourth bit of the first 4-bit input number (MSB) |
13 | B4 | Fourth bit of the second 4-bit input number (MSB) |
14 | Cn+4 | Carry output |
15 | Cn | Carry input |
16 | Vcc | Positive supply voltage |
Q: Can the 74LS83 add more than 4-bit numbers? A: Yes, by cascading multiple 74LS83 chips, you can add numbers larger than 4 bits.
Q: What is the maximum speed of the 74LS83? A: The maximum speed is determined by the propagation delay, which is typically 23 ns.
Q: Can the 74LS83 operate with a 3.3V supply? A: No, the 74LS83 is designed for a 5V TTL logic level and may not operate correctly at 3.3V.
// Example code for interfacing IC 7483 (74LS83) with Arduino UNO
// This example assumes that the Arduino UNO is used to simulate the inputs to the 74LS83
// and read the outputs. The actual addition logic is performed by the 74LS83.
// Define the Arduino pins connected to the 74LS83
const int inputPins[8] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; // A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4
const int outputPins[5] = {10, 11, 12, 13, A0}; // Σ1, Σ2, Σ3, Σ4, Cn+4
void setup() {
// Initialize all input pins as outputs from the Arduino
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
pinMode(inputPins[i], OUTPUT);
// Initialize all output pins as inputs to the Arduino
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
pinMode(outputPins[i], INPUT);
void loop() {
// Example: Adding binary numbers 1010 (A) and 1100 (B) with no initial carry
digitalWrite(inputPins[0], HIGH); // A1
digitalWrite(inputPins[1], LOW); // A2
digitalWrite(inputPins[2], HIGH); // A3
digitalWrite(inputPins[3], LOW); // A4
digitalWrite(inputPins[4], HIGH); // B1
digitalWrite(inputPins[5], HIGH); // B2
digitalWrite(inputPins[6], LOW); // B3
digitalWrite(inputPins[7], LOW); // B4
// Read the sum and carry outputs from the 74LS83
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
sum |= digitalRead(outputPins[i]) << i;
int carry = digitalRead(outputPins[4]);
// Print the result in binary form
Serial.print("Sum: ");
Serial.println(sum, BIN);
Serial.print("Carry: ");
Serial.println(carry, BIN);
// Wait a bit before the next calculation
Note: This example code is for demonstration purposes only. In a real-world application, the Arduino would typically be used to control other aspects of the system rather than simulating binary inputs to the 74LS83.