The SparkFun Qwiic Motor Driver is a versatile and user-friendly motor driver breakout board designed to facilitate the control of two brushed DC motors. It is based on the TB6612FNG motor driver chip, which provides efficient and smooth bidirectional control. The board is part of the Qwiic connect system, which allows for easy daisy-chaining and quick prototyping without soldering. Common applications include robotics, custom vehicles, and automation projects.
Pin Name | Function | Description |
Ground | Reference ground for power and logic. |
Voltage In | Motor power supply (2.5V to 13.5V). |
Logic Power | Logic power supply (2.7V to 5.5V). |
Data Line | I2C data line for Qwiic connection. |
Clock Line | I2C clock line for Qwiic connection. |
A1 |
Motor A Terminal 1 | Output to motor A coil 1. |
A2 |
Motor A Terminal 2 | Output to motor A coil 2. |
B1 |
Motor B Terminal 1 | Output to motor B coil 1. |
B2 |
Motor B Terminal 2 | Output to motor B coil 2. |
Standby | Controls the standby mode. |
to your motor power supply, and VCC
to your logic power supply. Ensure that GND
is connected to the common ground of your system.A1/A2
and B1/B2
terminals for motor A and B, respectively.STBY
to logic high to enable the motor driver or to logic low to put it in standby mode.STBY
pin is not left floating to avoid unexpected behavior.#include <Wire.h> // Include the I2C library (required)
// Define the I2C address for the motor driver (if applicable)
const int motorDriverAddress = 0x58; // Replace with the correct address
void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // Join the I2C bus as master
// Initialize the motor driver here (if required)
// For example, set the standby pin to HIGH
void loop() {
// Code to control the motor speed and direction
// Example: Set motor A to run at 50% speed forward
setMotorSpeed(motorDriverAddress, 'A', 128); // 128 out of 255 for 50%
delay(1000); // Run for 1 second
// Stop the motor
setMotorSpeed(motorDriverAddress, 'A', 0);
delay(1000); // Stop for 1 second
// Function to set motor speed and direction
void setMotorSpeed(int address, char motor, int speed) {
Wire.beginTransmission(address); // Begin transmission to the motor driver
Wire.write(motor); // Indicate which motor to control
Wire.write(speed); // Send the speed value
Wire.endTransmission(); // End transmission
Note: The above code is a simplified example. You will need to refer to the SparkFun Qwiic Motor Driver library for specific functions to control the motor driver.
pin is set to high.STBY
pin is not floating.Q: Can I control the speed of the motors? A: Yes, the motor speed can be controlled via PWM signals.
Q: Is the driver compatible with 3.3V systems? A: Yes, the logic voltage range allows for compatibility with both 3.3V and 5V systems.
Q: How do I use the Qwiic connect system? A: The Qwiic system uses I2C for communication. Simply connect the Qwiic connectors to your microcontroller or other Qwiic-enabled devices.
Q: What is the maximum current the driver can handle? A: The driver can handle up to 1.2A per channel continuously, with peaks up to 3.2A.
For further assistance, consult the SparkFun Qwiic Motor Driver datasheet and the TB6612FNG datasheet for in-depth technical information.