The 4001 integrated circuit (IC) is a member of the 4000 series CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) logic ICs. It contains four independent 2-input NOR gates in a single package. The NOR gate is a digital logic gate that outputs true or high only when both inputs are false or low. This IC is commonly used in digital systems for functions such as logic control, signal gating, and generating complex logic functions by combining multiple NOR gates.
Pin Number | Description | Pin Number | Description |
1 | Input A1 | 8 | Ground (0V) |
2 | Input B1 | 9 | Input A3 |
3 | Output Q1 | 10 | Input B3 |
4 | Input A2 | 11 | Output Q3 |
5 | Input B2 | 12 | Input A4 |
6 | Output Q2 | 13 | Input B4 |
7 | VCC (+ve Supply Voltage) | 14 | Output Q4 |
Power Supply Connection: Connect pin 7 to the positive supply voltage (VCC) within the range of 3V to 15V. Connect pin 8 to the ground.
Input Connection: Apply the logic inputs to the A and B input pins for each gate. Ensure that the input voltage does not exceed the supply voltage.
Output Connection: The output of each NOR gate can be connected to other logic devices, taking care not to exceed the output current specifications.
Q: Can I use the 4001 IC at a supply voltage lower than 3V? A: The 4001 IC is designed to operate between 3V and 15V. Operating it below this range may result in improper functioning.
Q: How can I increase the number of inputs for a NOR gate? A: To increase the number of inputs, you can connect the outputs of two or more NOR gates to a single NOR gate input, effectively creating a multi-input NOR gate.
Q: Is it possible to create an AND gate using the 4001 IC? A: Yes, by inverting the output of a NOR gate, you can create an AND gate. This requires an additional inverter stage.
// Example code to control a 4001 NOR gate with an Arduino UNO
const int inputPinA1 = 2; // Connect to Pin 1 of 4001
const int inputPinB1 = 3; // Connect to Pin 2 of 4001
const int outputPinQ1 = 4; // Connect to Pin 3 of 4001 (output of first NOR gate)
void setup() {
pinMode(inputPinA1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(inputPinB1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(outputPinQ1, INPUT);
void loop() {
// Set both inputs to LOW (NOR gate should output HIGH)
digitalWrite(inputPinA1, LOW);
digitalWrite(inputPinB1, LOW);
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
// Check the output state
if (digitalRead(outputPinQ1) == HIGH) {
// The NOR gate output is HIGH as expected
} else {
// The NOR gate output is not as expected, check connections
// Set one input to HIGH (NOR gate should output LOW)
digitalWrite(inputPinA1, HIGH);
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
// The rest of the code would include additional logic to handle the NOR gate outputs
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