The CD74HC4067 is a high-performance CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) analog multiplexer/demultiplexer that allows the connection of 16 different analog inputs or outputs to a common analog bus. This component is manufactured by Texas Instruments and is widely used in applications that require multiple input signals to be routed to a single processing or output device, such as data acquisition systems, signal routing applications, and in scenarios where board space is at a premium.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1-16 | C0-C15 | Channel Inputs/Outputs |
17 | EN | Active Low Enable Input |
18-21 | S0-S3 | Binary Control Inputs |
22 | Vee | Ground Reference for Analog Signals |
23 | Z | Common Output/Input |
24 | Vcc | Positive Supply Voltage |
25 | GND | Ground (0V) |
26-29 | S4-S7 | No Connect (NC) in this device |
30 | E | Active High Enable Input |
31 | Vz | No Connect (NC) in this device |
32 | COM | Common Input/Output for Demultiplexer |
Q: Can I use the CD74HC4067 with a microcontroller like an Arduino? A: Yes, the CD74HC4067 can be easily interfaced with an Arduino or similar microcontroller.
Q: What is the purpose of the Vee pin? A: The Vee pin is the ground reference for the analog signals. It should be connected to the system ground.
Q: Can I use this device for digital signals as well? A: Yes, the CD74HC4067 can be used to route digital signals, provided they are within the voltage range of the device.
// Example code to control the CD74HC4067 using an Arduino UNO
const int controlPins[] = {2, 3, 4, 5}; // S0-S3 connected to Arduino digital pins 2-5
const int enablePin = 6; // EN connected to Arduino digital pin 6
const int sigPin = A0; // Z connected to Arduino analog pin A0
void setup() {
// Set control pins as outputs
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pinMode(controlPins[i], OUTPUT);
pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW); // Enable the multiplexer
void loop() {
for (int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++) {
int sensorValue = analogRead(sigPin); // Read the signal from the selected channel
// Process the sensor value or send it to the serial monitor
// ...
void setMultiplexerChannel(int channel) {
// Set the control pins to the binary equivalent of the channel number
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
digitalWrite(controlPins[i], (channel >> i) & 1);
This example demonstrates how to cycle through all 16 channels of the CD74HC4067, reading an analog signal from each channel. The setMultiplexerChannel
function sets the appropriate control pins to select the desired channel. Remember to adjust the pin numbers to match your specific setup.