The 7432 Quad 2-Input OR Gate IC is a digital logic integrated circuit that contains four independent OR gates. Each gate has two inputs, labeled A and B, and one output, labeled Y. The OR gate is a fundamental building block in digital electronics, used to create more complex logic circuits. It performs the inclusive OR operation, which means the output is true (high) if at least one of the inputs is true.
Pin Number | Description |
1 | Input A1 |
2 | Input B1 |
3 | Output Y1 |
4 | Input A2 |
5 | Input B2 |
6 | Output Y2 |
7 | Ground (GND) |
8 | Output Y3 |
9 | Input B3 |
10 | Input A3 |
11 | Output Y4 |
12 | Input B4 |
13 | Input A4 |
14 | Supply Voltage (Vcc) |
Q: Can I use the 7432 IC with a 3.3V system? A: The 7432 is designed for TTL levels, and its minimum high-level input voltage is 2V. It may not reliably recognize 3.3V as a high signal.
Q: What happens if I connect more than one input to a high signal? A: The OR gate will output a high signal if one or more inputs are high. Additional high inputs do not affect the output state.
Q: Is there a limit to the frequency of the input signal? A: The maximum frequency of the input signal is limited by the propagation delay of the IC. Ensure that the input signal frequency allows for the output to settle within the required time frame.
The following example demonstrates how to use the 7432 OR Gate IC with an Arduino UNO to perform a simple OR operation with two inputs and one output.
// Define the input and output pins
const int inputPinA = 2; // Connect to Input A1 of 7432
const int inputPinB = 3; // Connect to Input B1 of 7432
const int outputPin = 13; // Connect to Output Y1 of 7432
void setup() {
pinMode(inputPinA, INPUT);
pinMode(inputPinB, INPUT);
pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read the state of the inputs
int stateA = digitalRead(inputPinA);
int stateB = digitalRead(inputPinB);
// Perform the OR operation and set the output
digitalWrite(outputPin, stateA || stateB);
// Delay for debounce
Remember to connect the Arduino's GND to the 7432's GND, and the 5V pin to the Vcc pin of the 7432. The output can be observed with an LED or by reading the state on the Arduino's digital pin 13 with a multimeter or an oscilloscope.