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7432 OR Gate IC

Image of 7432 OR Gate IC

7432 Quad 2-Input OR Gate IC Documentation


The 7432 Quad 2-Input OR Gate IC is a digital logic integrated circuit that contains four independent OR gates. Each gate has two inputs, labeled A and B, and one output, labeled Y. The OR gate is a fundamental building block in digital electronics, used to create more complex logic circuits. It performs the inclusive OR operation, which means the output is true (high) if at least one of the inputs is true.

Common Applications and Use Cases:

  • Digital logic circuits
  • Control systems
  • Signal processing
  • Function generators
  • Alarm systems

Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details:

  • Supply Voltage (Vcc): 4.75V to 5.25V (Typical TTL levels)
  • Input Voltage (Vin): 0V to Vcc
  • Output Voltage (Vout): 0V to Vcc (when high)
  • High-Level Input Voltage (VIH): Minimum 2V
  • Low-Level Input Voltage (VIL): Maximum 0.8V
  • High-Level Output Current (IOH): -0.4 mA (Max)
  • Low-Level Output Current (IOL): 8 mA (Max)
  • Propagation Delay Time: Typically 15 ns

Pin Configuration and Descriptions:

Pin Number Description
1 Input A1
2 Input B1
3 Output Y1
4 Input A2
5 Input B2
6 Output Y2
7 Ground (GND)
8 Output Y3
9 Input B3
10 Input A3
11 Output Y4
12 Input B4
13 Input A4
14 Supply Voltage (Vcc)

Usage Instructions

How to Use the Component in a Circuit:

  1. Connect the Vcc pin (14) to the positive supply voltage (typically +5V).
  2. Connect the GND pin (7) to the ground of the circuit.
  3. Apply input signals to the A and B inputs of the OR gates you intend to use.
  4. The corresponding Y output will be high if at least one of the inputs to the gate is high.

Important Considerations and Best Practices:

  • Ensure that the supply voltage does not exceed the maximum rating to prevent damage.
  • Unused inputs should be tied to the ground to avoid floating inputs which can lead to unpredictable behavior.
  • Decoupling capacitors (typically 0.1 µF) should be placed close to the Vcc pin to filter out noise.
  • Avoid loading the output beyond the specified current limits to maintain proper voltage levels.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues Users Might Face:

  • Output not as expected: Verify that the supply voltage is within the specified range and that all inputs are connected correctly.
  • Floating inputs: Ensure that all unused inputs are tied to ground.
  • Noise issues: Check for proper decoupling and that the IC is not placed near high-frequency signals if not necessary.

Solutions and Tips for Troubleshooting:

  • Double-check wiring and solder joints for any shorts or opens.
  • Measure the supply voltage and input signals with a multimeter or oscilloscope to ensure they are within the specified range.
  • Replace the IC if it is suspected to be faulty after ruling out other issues.


Q: Can I use the 7432 IC with a 3.3V system? A: The 7432 is designed for TTL levels, and its minimum high-level input voltage is 2V. It may not reliably recognize 3.3V as a high signal.

Q: What happens if I connect more than one input to a high signal? A: The OR gate will output a high signal if one or more inputs are high. Additional high inputs do not affect the output state.

Q: Is there a limit to the frequency of the input signal? A: The maximum frequency of the input signal is limited by the propagation delay of the IC. Ensure that the input signal frequency allows for the output to settle within the required time frame.

Example Code for Arduino UNO

The following example demonstrates how to use the 7432 OR Gate IC with an Arduino UNO to perform a simple OR operation with two inputs and one output.

// Define the input and output pins
const int inputPinA = 2; // Connect to Input A1 of 7432
const int inputPinB = 3; // Connect to Input B1 of 7432
const int outputPin = 13; // Connect to Output Y1 of 7432

void setup() {
  pinMode(inputPinA, INPUT);
  pinMode(inputPinB, INPUT);
  pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // Read the state of the inputs
  int stateA = digitalRead(inputPinA);
  int stateB = digitalRead(inputPinB);

  // Perform the OR operation and set the output
  digitalWrite(outputPin, stateA || stateB);

  // Delay for debounce

Remember to connect the Arduino's GND to the 7432's GND, and the 5V pin to the Vcc pin of the 7432. The output can be observed with an LED or by reading the state on the Arduino's digital pin 13 with a multimeter or an oscilloscope.

Example Projects

Lab 4 Encoder
Image of Lab 4 Encoder: A project utilizing 7432 OR Gate IC in a practical application
This circuit is a digital logic demonstration setup using a 3-position DIP switch to control the logic states of a series of gates (inverters, AND, and OR) from the 74HC logic family. The output of these gates is used to drive three LEDs through current-limiting resistors, indicating the logic levels after processing by the gates. The circuit is powered by a DC power source, with all ICs sharing a common ground and VCC.
Image of doorlock: A project utilizing 7432 OR Gate IC in a practical application
This circuit is designed for access control with time tracking capabilities. It features an NFC/RFID reader for authentication, an RTC module (DS3231) for real-time clock functionality, and an OLED display for user interaction. A 12V relay controls a magnetic lock, which is activated upon successful NFC/RFID authentication, and a button switch is likely used for manual operation or input. The T8_S3 microcontroller serves as the central processing unit, interfacing with the NFC/RFID reader, RTC, OLED, and relay to manage the access control logic.
Image of doorlock: A project utilizing 7432 OR Gate IC in a practical application
This circuit is designed as an access control system with time-tracking capabilities. It uses an NFC/RFID reader for authentication, a real-time clock for time-stamping events, and an OLED display for user interface, all controlled by a T8_S3 microcontroller. A relay module actuates a magnetic lock, and a button switch provides additional user input, with a switching power supply delivering the necessary voltages.
BCD to full adder and subtractor
Image of BCD to full adder and subtractor: A project utilizing 7432 OR Gate IC in a practical application
This circuit is a digital logic system that likely performs arithmetic operations and logical processing based on user inputs from push switches. It includes binary full adders for arithmetic functions, various logic gates for processing signals, and output interfaces such as 7-segment displays and LEDs for displaying results or statuses.

Example Projects

Image of Lab 4 Encoder: A project utilizing 7432 OR Gate IC in a practical application
Lab 4 Encoder
This circuit is a digital logic demonstration setup using a 3-position DIP switch to control the logic states of a series of gates (inverters, AND, and OR) from the 74HC logic family. The output of these gates is used to drive three LEDs through current-limiting resistors, indicating the logic levels after processing by the gates. The circuit is powered by a DC power source, with all ICs sharing a common ground and VCC.
Image of doorlock: A project utilizing 7432 OR Gate IC in a practical application
This circuit is designed for access control with time tracking capabilities. It features an NFC/RFID reader for authentication, an RTC module (DS3231) for real-time clock functionality, and an OLED display for user interaction. A 12V relay controls a magnetic lock, which is activated upon successful NFC/RFID authentication, and a button switch is likely used for manual operation or input. The T8_S3 microcontroller serves as the central processing unit, interfacing with the NFC/RFID reader, RTC, OLED, and relay to manage the access control logic.
Image of doorlock: A project utilizing 7432 OR Gate IC in a practical application
This circuit is designed as an access control system with time-tracking capabilities. It uses an NFC/RFID reader for authentication, a real-time clock for time-stamping events, and an OLED display for user interface, all controlled by a T8_S3 microcontroller. A relay module actuates a magnetic lock, and a button switch provides additional user input, with a switching power supply delivering the necessary voltages.
Image of BCD to full adder and subtractor: A project utilizing 7432 OR Gate IC in a practical application
BCD to full adder and subtractor
This circuit is a digital logic system that likely performs arithmetic operations and logical processing based on user inputs from push switches. It includes binary full adders for arithmetic functions, various logic gates for processing signals, and output interfaces such as 7-segment displays and LEDs for displaying results or statuses.