The Adafruit 2.13in eInk Under FeatherWing is an electronic paper display module that provides a low-power, high-contrast, and sunlight-readable display solution for your projects. This eInk display is specifically designed to interface seamlessly with the Adafruit Feather series of development boards. It is ideal for applications where a power-efficient and readable display is crucial, such as wearable devices, e-readers, and IoT devices.
Pin | Description |
GND | Ground |
3V3 | 3.3V Power Supply |
BUSY | Busy State Output |
RST | Reset Pin |
DC | Data/Command Control Pin |
CS | Chip Select for SPI |
SCK | SPI Clock |
MOSI | SPI Master Out Slave In |
MISO | SPI Master In Slave Out (Not used) |
Below is an example code snippet for initializing and displaying text on the Adafruit 2.13in eInk Under FeatherWing using an Arduino UNO. Ensure you have installed the Adafruit GFX and eInk libraries.
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_EPD.h>
#define EPD_CS 10
#define EPD_DC 9
#define EPD_RESET 8
#define EPD_BUSY 7
// Create an instance of the display
Adafruit_SSD1675 display = Adafruit_SSD1675(250, 122, EPD_CS, EPD_DC, EPD_RESET, EPD_BUSY);
void setup() {
display.begin(); // Initialize the display
display.clearBuffer(); // Clear the buffer to start
display.setTextSize(1); // Set the text size
display.setTextColor(EPD_BLACK); // Set the text color
display.setCursor(0,0); // Set the cursor position
display.print("Hello, eInk!"); // Print text to the buffer
display.display(); // Display what's in the buffer
void loop() {
// Nothing to do here
Q: Can the display show images? A: Yes, the display can show images in 2-bit grayscale.
Q: Is the display compatible with all Feather boards? A: It is designed to be compatible with boards that follow the Feather specification. Check the pin compatibility for non-Adafruit boards.
Q: How do I update the display content?
A: Use the display library's functions to write to the buffer and then call display.display()
to update the screen.
Q: Can I use the display with a 5V logic microcontroller? A: No, the display is designed for 3.3V logic. Using it with 5V logic may damage the display.
For further assistance, consult the Adafruit forums or the product's official documentation.