The CD74HC4059E is a programmable "Divide by N" counter manufactured by Texas Instruments. This digital counter is designed to divide an input clock signal by an integer value N, resulting in an output signal with a frequency that is a fraction of the input frequency. This component is commonly used in applications such as frequency division, digital clocks, timers, and pulse generation.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | PE | Parallel Enable (active low) |
2-7 | P0-P5 | Parallel data inputs |
8 | GND | Ground (0V) |
9 | TC | Terminal Count (output) |
10 | TE | Terminal Enable (active low) |
11 | CE | Clock Enable (active low) |
12 | CCK | Clock input |
13 | CCKEN | Clock Enable (active high) |
14 | JAM | Jam (overrides counting) |
15-20 | Q0-Q5 | Flip-flop outputs |
21 | RCO | Ripple Carry Output (active high) |
22 | Vss | Positive Supply Voltage |
23 | RESET | Master Reset (active high) |
24 | Vcc | Positive Supply Voltage |
Q: Can the CD74HC4059E be used with an Arduino? A: Yes, the CD74HC4059E can be interfaced with an Arduino, provided that the operating voltage levels are compatible.
Q: What is the maximum division factor that can be set? A: The maximum division factor is 2^6 - 1, as there are 6 parallel data inputs.
Q: How can I reset the counter during operation? A: Apply a high signal to the RESET pin momentarily to reset the counter to its initial state.
// Define the pins connected to the CD74HC4059E
#define CLOCK_PIN 3 // Connect to CCK pin
#define RESET_PIN 4 // Connect to RESET pin
void setup() {
// Reset the counter at the beginning
digitalWrite(RESET_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RESET_PIN, LOW);
void loop() {
// Generate a clock signal
digitalWrite(CLOCK_PIN, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds(10); // High for 10 microseconds
digitalWrite(CLOCK_PIN, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(10); // Low for 10 microseconds
// The above code generates a 50kHz clock signal
Note: This example assumes that the division factor N has been set using the parallel data inputs and that the counter's enable pins are appropriately connected for normal operation. The code generates a simple clock signal to drive the counter. Adjust the delay for the desired input clock frequency.