A P-Channel MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) is a type of transistor that is widely used in electronic circuits to switch or amplify electronic signals. Unlike their N-channel counterparts, P-channel MOSFETs are turned on or activated when a negative voltage is applied to the gate relative to the source terminal. They are commonly used in applications where load switching is required on the high side of the power supply, such as in power management, motor control, and battery-operated circuits.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | Gate | Controls the transistor; voltage applied here regulates current flow between drain and source |
2 | Drain | Connected to the higher potential side of the load when used in high-side switching |
3 | Source | Connected to the power supply negative terminal; reference point for the gate voltage |
// Example code to control a P-Channel MOSFET with an Arduino UNO
const int gatePin = 3; // Connect to the gate of the MOSFET through a resistor
void setup() {
pinMode(gatePin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(gatePin, HIGH); // Set gate high to turn off the MOSFET (default state)
void loop() {
// Turn on the MOSFET by setting the gate LOW
digitalWrite(gatePin, LOW);
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
// Turn off the MOSFET by setting the gate HIGH
digitalWrite(gatePin, HIGH);
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
Note: The code above assumes that the Arduino operates at 5V and the MOSFET gate threshold voltage is compatible. If the threshold voltage is too high, a level shifter or a different control method may be required.
This documentation provides a basic understanding of how to use a P-Channel MOSFET in electronic circuits. For specific applications and advanced configurations, refer to the datasheet of the particular MOSFET model being used.