The 74HC283 is a high-speed CMOS device designed to perform the addition of two 4-bit binary numbers. It is a crucial component in digital electronics, particularly in arithmetic logic units (ALUs) and digital signal processing (DSP) applications. The full adder has the capability to provide a carry-in and carry-out feature, allowing for the cascading of multiple 74HC283 chips to add larger binary numbers.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | A1 | First bit of the first 4-bit binary number (LSB) |
2 | B1 | First bit of the second 4-bit binary number (LSB) |
3 | Σ1 | Sum output of the first bit (LSB) |
4 | GND | Ground (0V) |
5 | Σ2 | Sum output of the second bit |
6 | B2 | Second bit of the second 4-bit binary number |
7 | A2 | Second bit of the first 4-bit binary number |
8 | C0 | Carry input (LSB) |
9 | A3 | Third bit of the first 4-bit binary number |
10 | B3 | Third bit of the second 4-bit binary number |
11 | Σ3 | Sum output of the third bit |
12 | C3 | Carry output of the third bit |
13 | Σ4 | Sum output of the fourth bit (MSB) |
14 | B4 | Fourth bit of the second 4-bit binary number (MSB) |
15 | A4 | Fourth bit of the first 4-bit binary number (MSB) |
16 | Vcc | Positive supply voltage |
Q: Can the 74HC283 adder handle decimal numbers? A: The 74HC283 is a binary adder and operates with binary numbers. To handle decimal numbers, a binary-coded decimal (BCD) system must be used.
Q: How can I add numbers larger than 4 bits? A: To add numbers larger than 4 bits, you can cascade multiple 74HC283 chips. Connect the carry-out (C3) of one chip to the carry-in (C0) of the next chip in the series.
Q: What is the maximum number of 74HC283 chips that can be cascaded? A: There is no strict maximum, but propagation delay accumulates with each added chip, which can limit the speed of the overall operation.
The following example demonstrates how to use the 74HC283 with an Arduino UNO to perform a simple addition.
// Define the pins connected to the 74HC283
const int A[] = {2, 3, 4, 5}; // A1-A4 connected to digital pins 2-5
const int B[] = {6, 7, 8, 9}; // B1-B4 connected to digital pins 6-9
const int SUM[] = {10, 11, 12, 13}; // Σ1-Σ4 connected to digital pins 10-13
const int CARRY_IN = A0; // C0 connected to analog pin A0
const int CARRY_OUT = A1; // C3 connected to analog pin A1
void setup() {
// Initialize all the A and B pins as outputs
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pinMode(A[i], OUTPUT);
pinMode(B[i], OUTPUT);
// Initialize SUM pins as inputs
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pinMode(SUM[i], INPUT);
// Initialize carry in and carry out pins
// Start the serial communication
void loop() {
// Example addition of two 4-bit numbers: 1010 (A) + 0111 (B)
digitalWrite(A[0], HIGH);
digitalWrite(A[1], LOW);
digitalWrite(A[2], HIGH);
digitalWrite(A[3], LOW);
digitalWrite(B[0], LOW);
digitalWrite(B[1], HIGH);
digitalWrite(B[2], HIGH);
digitalWrite(B[3], HIGH);
// No carry-in for this example
digitalWrite(CARRY_IN, LOW);
// Read the sum and carry out
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
sum |= digitalRead(SUM[i]) << i;
int carryOut = digitalRead(CARRY_OUT);
// Print the result
Serial.print("Sum: ");
Serial.println(sum, BIN);
Serial.print("Carry Out: ");
// Small delay before the next calculation
This code sets up the Arduino to communicate with the 74HC283 and perform a simple addition of two binary numbers. The results are printed to the serial monitor in binary format.