The 74HC86 integrated circuit is a high-speed CMOS device that contains four independent 2-input Exclusive OR (XOR) gates. These gates perform the Boolean function Y = A ⊕ B, where Y is the output and A and B are the inputs. XOR gates are fundamental components in digital electronics, used in applications such as parity generators/checkers, adders, and digital comparators.
Pin Number | Description |
1 | 1A (Input gate 1) |
2 | 1B (Input gate 1) |
3 | 1Y (Output gate 1) |
4 | 2Y (Output gate 2) |
5 | 2A (Input gate 2) |
6 | 2B (Input gate 2) |
7 | GND (Ground) |
8 | 3B (Input gate 3) |
9 | 3A (Input gate 3) |
10 | 3Y (Output gate 3) |
11 | 4Y (Output gate 4) |
12 | 4A (Input gate 4) |
13 | 4B (Input gate 4) |
14 | Vcc (Power supply) |
Power Supply: Connect pin 14 (Vcc) to a positive power supply within the range of 2V to 6V and pin 7 (GND) to the ground.
Input Signals: Apply the digital signals to the A and B inputs of the gates you intend to use. Ensure that the input voltage levels are compatible with the logic levels of the 74HC86.
Output Connection: Connect the output pins (1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y) to the next stage of your digital circuit or to an output device, ensuring that the current requirements do not exceed the specified limits.
Unused Inputs: For any unused gates, connect the inputs directly to Vcc or GND to avoid floating inputs which can lead to unpredictable behavior.
Q: Can I use the 74HC86 at a voltage lower than 2V? A: No, the 74HC86 is designed to operate within a voltage range of 2V to 6V.
Q: What is the maximum frequency the 74HC86 can handle? A: The maximum frequency depends on the supply voltage, but typically the device can handle several megahertz at 5V.
Q: Can I replace a 74LS86 with a 74HC86? A: Yes, but be aware of the differences in power supply levels and output current capabilities between LS (Low-power Schottky) and HC (High-speed CMOS) logic families.
The following example demonstrates how to use the 74HC86 with an Arduino UNO to perform an XOR operation on two input signals.
// Define the input and output pins
const int inputPinA = 2; // Connect to 1A on 74HC86
const int inputPinB = 3; // Connect to 1B on 74HC86
const int outputPin = 4; // Connect to 1Y on 74HC86
void setup() {
pinMode(inputPinA, INPUT);
pinMode(inputPinB, INPUT);
pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read the input states
int stateA = digitalRead(inputPinA);
int stateB = digitalRead(inputPinB);
// Perform the XOR operation using digital logic
int xorResult = stateA ^ stateB;
// Output the result to the 74HC86
digitalWrite(outputPin, xorResult);
// Print the result to the Serial Monitor
Serial.print("Input A: ");
Serial.print(" Input B: ");
Serial.print(" XOR Result: ");
// Wait for a short period before the next read
Remember to limit the line length of code comments to 80 characters for readability. This example code is a simple demonstration and does not account for debouncing or other input signal conditioning that may be necessary in a real-world application.