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How to Use 2.4" LCD Module: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

Image of 2.4" LCD Module
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The 2.4" LCD Module featuring the ILI9341 controller is a popular display choice for a wide range of electronic projects. This compact and versatile module is capable of rendering colorful graphics and text, making it suitable for user interfaces, data visualization, and dynamic content display. Common applications include handheld devices, touch-screen interfaces, and embedded systems that require a visual output.

Explore Projects Built with 2.4" LCD Module

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Arduino Nano Controlled LCD Interface with Pushbutton Inputs
Image of MacroDisplay: A project utilizing 2.4" LCD Module in a practical application
This circuit features a Nano 3.0 ATmega328P microcontroller connected to a 16x2 I2C LCD display for output. Two pushbuttons, each with a 10k Ohm pull-down resistor, are connected to digital pins D2 and D3 of the microcontroller for input. The LCD and pushbuttons are powered by the 5V output from the microcontroller, and all components share a common ground.
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I2C LCD Display Module with Power Supply Interface
Image of J8 +j22 lcd closeup: A project utilizing 2.4" LCD Module in a practical application
This circuit interfaces a 20x4 I2C LCD display with a power source and an I2C communication bus. The LCD is powered by a 4.2V supply from a connector and communicates via I2C through another connector, which provides the SCL and SDA lines as well as ground.
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Arduino UNO with I2C LCD and Bluetooth Control
Image of Copy of circuit diagram: A project utilizing 2.4" LCD Module in a practical application
This circuit features an Arduino UNO connected to an I2C LCD screen for display and an HC-05 Bluetooth module for wireless data communication. It includes flex resistors potentially used for sensing applications, with pull-up resistors to maintain signal integrity.
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Arduino Nano and I2C LCD Display Power Supply Project
Image of lcd display: A project utilizing 2.4" LCD Module in a practical application
This circuit features an Arduino Nano microcontroller interfaced with a 20x4 I2C LCD panel for display purposes. The LCD panel is powered by a 5V AC-DC power supply unit, and the Arduino Nano communicates with the LCD via I2C protocol using its A5 (SDA) and A1 (SCL) pins.
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Explore Projects Built with 2.4" LCD Module

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of MacroDisplay: A project utilizing 2.4" LCD Module in a practical application
Arduino Nano Controlled LCD Interface with Pushbutton Inputs
This circuit features a Nano 3.0 ATmega328P microcontroller connected to a 16x2 I2C LCD display for output. Two pushbuttons, each with a 10k Ohm pull-down resistor, are connected to digital pins D2 and D3 of the microcontroller for input. The LCD and pushbuttons are powered by the 5V output from the microcontroller, and all components share a common ground.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of J8 +j22 lcd closeup: A project utilizing 2.4" LCD Module in a practical application
I2C LCD Display Module with Power Supply Interface
This circuit interfaces a 20x4 I2C LCD display with a power source and an I2C communication bus. The LCD is powered by a 4.2V supply from a connector and communicates via I2C through another connector, which provides the SCL and SDA lines as well as ground.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Copy of circuit diagram: A project utilizing 2.4" LCD Module in a practical application
Arduino UNO with I2C LCD and Bluetooth Control
This circuit features an Arduino UNO connected to an I2C LCD screen for display and an HC-05 Bluetooth module for wireless data communication. It includes flex resistors potentially used for sensing applications, with pull-up resistors to maintain signal integrity.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of lcd display: A project utilizing 2.4" LCD Module in a practical application
Arduino Nano and I2C LCD Display Power Supply Project
This circuit features an Arduino Nano microcontroller interfaced with a 20x4 I2C LCD panel for display purposes. The LCD panel is powered by a 5V AC-DC power supply unit, and the Arduino Nano communicates with the LCD via I2C protocol using its A5 (SDA) and A1 (SCL) pins.
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Technical Specifications

General Features

  • Display Size: 2.4 inches
  • Display Resolution: 240x320 pixels
  • Interface: SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
  • Controller: ILI9341
  • Display Colors: 65K/262K
  • Operating Voltage: 2.5V - 3.3V
  • Logic Level: 3.3V (5V tolerant with level shifter)

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Number Pin Name Description
1 VCC Power supply (2.5V - 3.3V)
2 GND Ground
3 CS Chip Select
4 RESET Reset signal (active low)
5 DC/RS Data/Command control
6 SDI(MOSI) Serial Data Input (Master Out Slave In)
7 SCK Serial Clock Input
8 LED Backlight control (anode)
9 SDO(MISO) Serial Data Output (Master In Slave Out)

Usage Instructions

Connecting to an Arduino UNO

  1. Power Connections:

    • Connect the VCC pin to the 3.3V output on the Arduino UNO.
    • Connect the GND pin to one of the GND pins on the Arduino UNO.
  2. Data Connections:

    • Connect the CS pin to a digital pin (e.g., D10) on the Arduino UNO.
    • Connect the RESET pin to a digital pin (e.g., D8).
    • Connect the DC/RS pin to a digital pin (e.g., D9).
    • Connect the SDI(MOSI) pin to the MOSI pin (D11) on the Arduino UNO.
    • Connect the SCK pin to the SCK pin (D13) on the Arduino UNO.
    • Connect the SDO(MISO) pin to the MISO pin (D12) on the Arduino UNO.
  3. Backlight Connection:

    • Connect the LED pin to a PWM-capable pin (e.g., D6) on the Arduino UNO for backlight control.

Arduino Code Example

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_ILI9341.h>

// Pin configuration
#define TFT_CS     10
#define TFT_RST    8
#define TFT_DC     9

// Initialize Adafruit ILI9341
Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);

void setup() {
  tft.setRotation(1); // Set rotation according to your setup
  tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_BLACK); // Clear the screen

void loop() {
  tft.setCursor(0, 0); // Set cursor at top-left corner
  tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE); // Set text color
  tft.setTextSize(1); // Set text size
  tft.println("Hello, World!"); // Print text to screen

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Always ensure that the power supply voltage matches the module's requirements.
  • Use a level shifter if you are interfacing with a 5V logic level device.
  • Avoid exposing the display to direct sunlight or high temperatures to prevent damage.
  • When handling the display, be cautious of static discharge and physical pressure on the screen.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues

  • Display Not Turning On: Check the power supply connections and ensure that the voltage is within the specified range.
  • No Data on Display: Verify that the SPI connections are correct and that the correct pins are being used in your code.
  • Distorted Images or Text: Ensure that the initialization sequence in your code matches the display's requirements.


Q: Can I use this display with a 5V Arduino? A: Yes, but you will need to use a level shifter for the data lines to convert the 5V logic level to 3.3V.

Q: How can I control the backlight brightness? A: You can control the backlight brightness by connecting the LED pin to a PWM-capable pin and using analogWrite() to adjust the duty cycle.

Q: What library should I use for this display? A: The Adafruit_ILI9341 library is recommended for this display, as it provides a wide range of functions for graphics and text.

Q: Can I use this display in outdoor environments? A: The display is not specifically designed for outdoor use and may be difficult to read in direct sunlight. Additionally, extreme temperatures can damage the display.

For further assistance, consult the manufacturer's datasheet and the community forums dedicated to the ILI9341 display module.