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How to Use rp2040 zero: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

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The RP2040 Zero is a compact microcontroller unit (MCU) based on the RP2040 microcontroller chip developed by Raspberry Pi. It is designed for hobbyists, educators, and professionals who require a low-cost, high-performance microcontroller for embedded projects. The RP2040 Zero is particularly well-suited for applications such as robotics, IoT devices, wearables, and DIY electronics due to its small form factor and powerful dual-core ARM Cortex-M0+ processor.

Explore Projects Built with rp2040 zero

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Dual Microcontroller Integration with Arduino Micro Pro and RP2040 Zero for Enhanced I/O Control
Image of RP2040MacroKey: A project utilizing rp2040 zero in a practical application
This circuit integrates an Arduino Micro Pro and an RP2040 Zero microcontroller, interconnected to share power and ground, as well as several GPIO pins. The RP2040 Zero is programmed with a basic setup and loop structure, indicating it is ready for further development. The design suggests a collaborative processing or sensor data sharing application between the two microcontrollers.
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RP2040 Zero Rotary Encoder Interface with Serial Monitoring
Image of test: A project utilizing rp2040 zero in a practical application
This circuit features an RP2040 Zero microcontroller interfaced with a rotary encoder. The encoder's clock, data, and switch pins are connected to the microcontroller's GPIO pins 29, 28, and 27, respectively, allowing the microcontroller to read the encoder's state and print it to the serial monitor.
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Raspberry Pi Zero-Based IR Sensor Array
Image of CSC 615 A4: A project utilizing rp2040 zero in a practical application
This circuit integrates a Raspberry Pi Zero with two types of IR sensors: a TCRT 5000 IR sensor and a generic IR sensor. The Raspberry Pi Zero is configured to receive digital output signals from both sensors on GPIO14 and GPIO15 respectively, allowing it to process and respond to infrared light detection. The 5V and GND pins of the Raspberry Pi Zero provide power to both IR sensors, establishing a common voltage reference.
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Battery-Powered Raspberry Pi Zero W with MPU-6050 and LCD Display
Image of Science Fair: A project utilizing rp2040 zero in a practical application
This circuit is a portable system powered by a 2000mAh battery, which is stepped up to 5V using a boost converter to power a Raspberry Pi Zero W. The Raspberry Pi interfaces with an MPU-6050 sensor for motion detection, an LCD TFT screen for display, and a vibration motor for haptic feedback.
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Explore Projects Built with rp2040 zero

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of RP2040MacroKey: A project utilizing rp2040 zero in a practical application
Dual Microcontroller Integration with Arduino Micro Pro and RP2040 Zero for Enhanced I/O Control
This circuit integrates an Arduino Micro Pro and an RP2040 Zero microcontroller, interconnected to share power and ground, as well as several GPIO pins. The RP2040 Zero is programmed with a basic setup and loop structure, indicating it is ready for further development. The design suggests a collaborative processing or sensor data sharing application between the two microcontrollers.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of test: A project utilizing rp2040 zero in a practical application
RP2040 Zero Rotary Encoder Interface with Serial Monitoring
This circuit features an RP2040 Zero microcontroller interfaced with a rotary encoder. The encoder's clock, data, and switch pins are connected to the microcontroller's GPIO pins 29, 28, and 27, respectively, allowing the microcontroller to read the encoder's state and print it to the serial monitor.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of CSC 615 A4: A project utilizing rp2040 zero in a practical application
Raspberry Pi Zero-Based IR Sensor Array
This circuit integrates a Raspberry Pi Zero with two types of IR sensors: a TCRT 5000 IR sensor and a generic IR sensor. The Raspberry Pi Zero is configured to receive digital output signals from both sensors on GPIO14 and GPIO15 respectively, allowing it to process and respond to infrared light detection. The 5V and GND pins of the Raspberry Pi Zero provide power to both IR sensors, establishing a common voltage reference.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Science Fair: A project utilizing rp2040 zero in a practical application
Battery-Powered Raspberry Pi Zero W with MPU-6050 and LCD Display
This circuit is a portable system powered by a 2000mAh battery, which is stepped up to 5V using a boost converter to power a Raspberry Pi Zero W. The Raspberry Pi interfaces with an MPU-6050 sensor for motion detection, an LCD TFT screen for display, and a vibration motor for haptic feedback.
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Technical Specifications

Key Features

  • Dual-core ARM Cortex-M0+ processor, up to 133 MHz
  • 264KB of SRAM, and 2MB of on-board Flash memory
  • 26 multifunction GPIO pins
  • 2 × UART, 2 × SPI, 2 × I2C, 16 × PWM channels
  • USB 1.1 with device and host support
  • Low-power sleep and dormant modes
  • Drag-and-drop programming using mass storage over USB
  • 3.3V operating voltage
  • Comprehensive SDK, software examples, and documentation

Pin Configuration

Pin Number Function Description
1 GP0 GPIO0, can also be used for UART, SPI, etc.
2 GP1 GPIO1, can also be used for UART, SPI, etc.
... ... ...
26 GP25 GPIO25, can also be used for PWM, I2C, etc.
VBUS USB VBUS USB input voltage
VSYS System Voltage Regulated power supply input
3V3 3.3V Out 3.3V power output
GND Ground Ground connection

Note: This table is not exhaustive. Refer to the RP2040 datasheet for the complete pinout and alternate functions.

Usage Instructions

Integration into a Circuit

To use the RP2040 Zero in a circuit:

  1. Connect the power supply to the VSYS and GND pins, ensuring that the voltage is within the recommended range (4.5V to 5.5V).
  2. Interface with peripherals using the GPIO pins. Configure the pins according to the desired communication protocol (UART, SPI, I2C, etc.).
  3. If USB functionality is required, connect the VBUS pin to a 5V USB power source.

Programming the RP2040 Zero

The RP2040 Zero can be programmed using C/C++ SDK or the MicroPython language. For Arduino enthusiasts, it can also be programmed using the Arduino IDE with an appropriate board support package.

Example: Blinking an LED using MicroPython

Import required module

from machine import Pin, Timer

Configure an LED on GPIO 25 (built-in LED on some boards)

led = Pin(25, Pin.OUT)

Toggle the LED state

def toggle_led(timer): led.toggle()

Create a software timer that calls the toggle_led function every 500ms

timer = Timer() timer.init(freq=2, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=toggle_led)

*Note: This code assumes that MicroPython is already installed on the RP2040 Zero.*

Best Practices

  • Always ensure that the power supply is within the specified range to prevent damage.
  • Use proper decoupling capacitors close to the power pins to minimize power supply noise.
  • Avoid exposing the board to static electricity and physical stress.
  • When interfacing with other components, ensure that the voltage levels are compatible.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues

  • RP2040 Zero not recognized by the computer: Ensure that the USB cable is properly connected and that it is not a charge-only cable.
  • GPIO not functioning as expected: Verify that the pin configuration in your code matches the physical connections in your circuit.


Q: Can I power the RP2040 Zero directly from a battery? A: Yes, you can power it using a battery connected to the VSYS pin, provided the voltage is within the recommended range.

Q: How do I reset the RP2040 Zero? A: You can reset the board by momentarily connecting the RUN pin to GND.

Q: Is the RP2040 Zero compatible with Raspberry Pi HATs? A: No, the form factor and pinout are different. However, you can interface with HATs using jumper wires and ensuring proper voltage levels.

For further assistance, consult the RP2040 datasheet and the community forums dedicated to Raspberry Pi and RP2040-based projects.