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How to Use V_REG_LD1085: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

Image of V_REG_LD1085
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The V_REG_LD1085 is a versatile, low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulator capable of providing up to 3A of output current. With its ability to maintain a stable output voltage over a wide range of input voltages and load conditions, the LD1085 is ideal for powering sensitive electronic circuits. Common applications include microcontroller systems, portable devices, and other electronics requiring a stable power supply.

Explore Projects Built with V_REG_LD1085

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
LD1117 Voltage Regulator Circuit with Input and Output Capacitors
Image of regulator: A project utilizing V_REG_LD1085 in a practical application
This circuit is designed to provide a stable output voltage from an input voltage source. It uses an LD1117 voltage regulator in conjunction with an electrolytic capacitor on the input side and a tantalum capacitor on the output side to filter noise and stabilize the voltage. The common ground ensures a reference point for all components.
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Solar-Powered Battery Charging System with XL6009 Voltage Regulator
Image of SISTEMA DE ALIMENTACION Y CARGA SENSORES DS18B20 Y SENSOR DE TURBIDEZ: A project utilizing V_REG_LD1085 in a practical application
This circuit features a solar panel ('Do solara') connected to a voltage regulator ('XL6009 Voltage Regulator') to stabilize the output voltage. The regulated voltage is available at a terminal block ('Terminal PCB 2 Pin') for further use. Additionally, a Li-ion battery ('18650 Li-ion Battery') is connected to the solar panel for charging, with the solar panel's output also routed through the voltage regulator.
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STM32F103C8T6 Microcontroller-Based Modular Circuit Project
Image of Robocon: A project utilizing V_REG_LD1085 in a practical application
This is a microcontroller-based control system with input from pushbuttons and phototransistors, and output to LEDs, a servo, and two hobby motors via an l293d motor driver. It includes a 7805 voltage regulator for power management and various resistors and capacitors for signal conditioning and power filtering.
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Battery-Powered LED Indicator with 7805 Voltage Regulator
Image of 5V circuit: A project utilizing V_REG_LD1085 in a practical application
This circuit uses a 9V battery to power a 7805 voltage regulator, which outputs a stable 5V. A toggle switch controls the input to the voltage regulator, and the regulated 5V output powers an LED through a 200-ohm resistor, allowing the LED to indicate when the circuit is active.
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Explore Projects Built with V_REG_LD1085

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of regulator: A project utilizing V_REG_LD1085 in a practical application
LD1117 Voltage Regulator Circuit with Input and Output Capacitors
This circuit is designed to provide a stable output voltage from an input voltage source. It uses an LD1117 voltage regulator in conjunction with an electrolytic capacitor on the input side and a tantalum capacitor on the output side to filter noise and stabilize the voltage. The common ground ensures a reference point for all components.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of SISTEMA DE ALIMENTACION Y CARGA SENSORES DS18B20 Y SENSOR DE TURBIDEZ: A project utilizing V_REG_LD1085 in a practical application
Solar-Powered Battery Charging System with XL6009 Voltage Regulator
This circuit features a solar panel ('Do solara') connected to a voltage regulator ('XL6009 Voltage Regulator') to stabilize the output voltage. The regulated voltage is available at a terminal block ('Terminal PCB 2 Pin') for further use. Additionally, a Li-ion battery ('18650 Li-ion Battery') is connected to the solar panel for charging, with the solar panel's output also routed through the voltage regulator.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Robocon: A project utilizing V_REG_LD1085 in a practical application
STM32F103C8T6 Microcontroller-Based Modular Circuit Project
This is a microcontroller-based control system with input from pushbuttons and phototransistors, and output to LEDs, a servo, and two hobby motors via an l293d motor driver. It includes a 7805 voltage regulator for power management and various resistors and capacitors for signal conditioning and power filtering.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of 5V circuit: A project utilizing V_REG_LD1085 in a practical application
Battery-Powered LED Indicator with 7805 Voltage Regulator
This circuit uses a 9V battery to power a 7805 voltage regulator, which outputs a stable 5V. A toggle switch controls the input to the voltage regulator, and the regulated 5V output powers an LED through a 200-ohm resistor, allowing the LED to indicate when the circuit is active.
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Technical Specifications

Key Features

  • Output Current: Up to 3A
  • Dropout Voltage: Typically 1.3V at 3A load
  • Adjustable Output Voltage: From 1.25V to adjustable
  • Fixed Output Voltage Versions: 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V
  • Overcurrent and Overtemperature Protection
  • Low Ground Current

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Number Name Description
1 ADJ/GND Ground pin for fixed voltage versions or adjustment pin for variable output voltage
2 OUT Regulated output voltage
3 IN Input voltage

Usage Instructions

Basic Connection

To use the V_REG_LD1085 in a circuit:

  1. Connect the IN pin to your unregulated input voltage source.
  2. Connect the OUT pin to your load.
  3. For fixed voltage versions, connect the ADJ/GND pin to the ground. For adjustable versions, connect a resistor network to the ADJ pin to set the desired output voltage.

Setting Output Voltage (Adjustable Version)

For the adjustable version, the output voltage can be set using two resistors (R1 and R2) as follows:

Vout = 1.25V * (1 + R2/R1) + Iadj * R2

Where Iadj is the adjustment pin current and is typically negligible.

Heat Dissipation

The LD1085 can dissipate significant heat when delivering high currents. Ensure adequate heat sinking is provided.

Capacitor Selection

For stability, the LD1085 requires output and input capacitors. A minimum of 10µF tantalum or 22µF aluminum electrolytic capacitor on the output is recommended. The input capacitor should be at least 10µF.

Example Circuit with Arduino UNO

// Example code for using the V_REG_LD1085 with an Arduino UNO
// This example assumes you are using the fixed 5V version of the LD1085.

void setup() {
  // Initialize the digital pin as an output.

void loop() {
  // Turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
  // Wait for a second
  // Turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
   // Wait for a second

// Note: Connect the LD1085 as follows:
// IN pin to an unregulated voltage source (6.3V to 15V)
// OUT pin to the 5V pin on the Arduino UNO
// ADJ/GND pin to the ground

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues

  • Voltage Drop Under Load: Ensure the input voltage is sufficiently above the desired output voltage, considering the dropout voltage.
  • Overheating: Check for adequate heat sinking and airflow around the regulator.
  • Output Voltage Fluctuation: Verify the output and input capacitors are correctly rated and in good condition.


Q: Can I use the LD1085 without a heat sink? A: It depends on the output current and the voltage drop across the regulator. For low currents and small voltage drops, a heat sink may not be necessary. However, for higher currents or voltage drops, a heat sink is recommended to prevent overheating.

Q: What is the maximum input voltage for the LD1085? A: The maximum input voltage is typically 30V, but always consult the datasheet for your specific version to confirm.

Q: How do I choose the right capacitors for stability? A: Use a minimum of 10µF tantalum or 22µF aluminum electrolytic capacitor on the output. The input capacitor should be at least 10µF. Larger values and low ESR capacitors can improve stability.

Q: What happens if the LD1085 gets too hot? A: The LD1085 has built-in thermal protection and will shut down if the internal temperature exceeds safe limits. Once it cools down, it will restart automatically.

For further assistance, always refer to the manufacturer's datasheet and application notes.