The Adafruit Switched 20mm Coin Cell Breakout is a compact and convenient power solution for low-power electronics projects. It is designed to hold a 20mm coin cell battery, such as the CR2032, and features an integrated on/off switch to control power flow. This breakout is ideal for wearable electronics, small gadgets, and temporary projects where a simple and replaceable power source is needed.
Pin Name | Description |
+ |
Positive terminal connected to the battery |
- |
Negative terminal connected to the battery |
S |
Slide switch to control power flow |
Inserting the Battery:
Connecting to a Circuit:
pin to the positive power rail or VCC of your circuit.-
pin to the ground or GND of your circuit.Powering the Circuit:
position to power the circuit.OFF
position to cut off power and conserve battery life when not in use.ON
position.Q: Can I use rechargeable coin cell batteries with this breakout? A: Yes, as long as they are the correct size (20mm) and voltage.
Q: How long will the battery last? A: Battery life depends on the capacity of the coin cell and the current draw of your circuit. Calculate the expected life by dividing the battery capacity (in mAh) by the circuit's current draw (in mA).
Q: Is it possible to connect multiple breakouts in parallel for increased capacity? A: Yes, you can connect multiple breakouts in parallel to increase the total capacity, but ensure that the batteries are of the same type and charge level.
// Example code to demonstrate how to control an LED with the Adafruit Switched 20mm Coin Cell Breakout
const int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Initialize the digital pin as an output
void loop() {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn the LED on
delay(1000); // Wait for a second
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn the LED off
delay(1000); // Wait for a second
This example assumes that an LED is connected to pin 13 of the Arduino UNO and the Adafruit Switched 20mm Coin Cell Breakout is providing power to the Arduino. The code will blink the LED on and off in one-second intervals. Remember to switch on the power using the breakout's switch before running the code.