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How to Use Force Sensing Resistor: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

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A Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) is a passive component that exhibits a decrease in resistance when pressure or force is applied to its surface. It is constructed from a conductive polymer that changes resistance in a predictable manner following the application of force. FSRs are widely used in applications requiring force feedback, such as touch-sensitive interfaces, robotics, musical instruments, and a variety of pressure-sensing mechanisms.

Explore Projects Built with Force Sensing Resistor

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Arduino UNO-Based Force Sensing System with Bluetooth and MPU6050
Image of shoe: A project utilizing Force Sensing Resistor in a practical application
This circuit is designed to measure force using multiple force sensing resistors (FSRs) and transmit the data wirelessly via an HC-05 Bluetooth module. An Arduino UNO microcontroller reads the analog signals from the FSRs, processes the data, and communicates with the MPU6050 sensor for additional motion sensing capabilities.
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ESP32-Based Force Sensing Resistor Interface
Image of bed occupation: A project utilizing Force Sensing Resistor in a practical application
This circuit features an ESP32 Wroom Dev Kit microcontroller connected to a Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) through a 1k Ohm resistor. The FSR is part of a voltage divider setup with the resistor, and its varying resistance based on applied force is read by the ESP32 on GPIO 34. The purpose of this circuit is likely to measure force or pressure and process the data with the ESP32.
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Arduino UNO Force Sensing Resistor Pressure Sensor with Serial Output
Image of FSR: A project utilizing Force Sensing Resistor in a practical application
This circuit uses an Arduino UNO to read the analog value from a Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) connected in series with a 10k Ohm resistor. The Arduino reads the voltage at the junction of the FSR and the resistor, processes the analog signal, and outputs the FSR value to the Serial Monitor for monitoring force applied to the FSR.
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Arduino Micro-Based Force Sensing Resistor Array
Image of BME490: A project utilizing Force Sensing Resistor in a practical application
This is a sensor interface circuit using an Arduino Micro to read from multiple force sensing resistors and basic flex resistors, indicating it's designed for detecting pressure and flexing. The circuit is powered by a Lipo battery with a rocker switch for power control, and the microcontroller's code is currently a placeholder for future development.
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Explore Projects Built with Force Sensing Resistor

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of shoe: A project utilizing Force Sensing Resistor in a practical application
Arduino UNO-Based Force Sensing System with Bluetooth and MPU6050
This circuit is designed to measure force using multiple force sensing resistors (FSRs) and transmit the data wirelessly via an HC-05 Bluetooth module. An Arduino UNO microcontroller reads the analog signals from the FSRs, processes the data, and communicates with the MPU6050 sensor for additional motion sensing capabilities.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of bed occupation: A project utilizing Force Sensing Resistor in a practical application
ESP32-Based Force Sensing Resistor Interface
This circuit features an ESP32 Wroom Dev Kit microcontroller connected to a Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) through a 1k Ohm resistor. The FSR is part of a voltage divider setup with the resistor, and its varying resistance based on applied force is read by the ESP32 on GPIO 34. The purpose of this circuit is likely to measure force or pressure and process the data with the ESP32.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of FSR: A project utilizing Force Sensing Resistor in a practical application
Arduino UNO Force Sensing Resistor Pressure Sensor with Serial Output
This circuit uses an Arduino UNO to read the analog value from a Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) connected in series with a 10k Ohm resistor. The Arduino reads the voltage at the junction of the FSR and the resistor, processes the analog signal, and outputs the FSR value to the Serial Monitor for monitoring force applied to the FSR.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of BME490: A project utilizing Force Sensing Resistor in a practical application
Arduino Micro-Based Force Sensing Resistor Array
This is a sensor interface circuit using an Arduino Micro to read from multiple force sensing resistors and basic flex resistors, indicating it's designed for detecting pressure and flexing. The circuit is powered by a Lipo battery with a rocker switch for power control, and the microcontroller's code is currently a placeholder for future development.
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Common Applications and Use Cases

  • Human touch input for interactive electronics
  • Pressure-sensitive controls and buttons
  • Weight sensing
  • Medical devices such as blood pressure monitors
  • Musical instruments like electronic drums
  • Robotics for grip and touch sensing

Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

  • Resistance Range: Typically from a few kilo-ohms to mega-ohms with no pressure, down to a few hundred ohms with maximum pressure.
  • Force Sensitivity Range: Usually from a few grams to several kilograms.
  • Operating Temperature: Varies with the model, often from -30°C to +70°C.
  • Response Time: Typically less than 5 milliseconds.
  • Durability: Rated for up to 1 million actuations, depending on the model and usage conditions.

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

FSRs typically have two terminals. Below is a table describing the pin configuration:

Pin Number Description
1 Active Sensing Area
2 Active Sensing Area

Note: The two terminals are interchangeable as the FSR is non-polarized.

Usage Instructions

How to Use the Component in a Circuit

  1. Connect the FSR: Attach one terminal of the FSR to an analog input pin on a microcontroller, such as an Arduino UNO. Connect the other terminal to ground.
  2. Voltage Divider: To read the varying resistance, set up a voltage divider by connecting a fixed resistor (10kΩ is commonly used) from the analog input pin to the supply voltage (5V for Arduino UNO).
  3. Analog Read: Use the microcontroller's ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) to read the voltage across the fixed resistor, which is inversely proportional to the force applied to the FSR.

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Calibration: Since FSRs can vary in their response, it is important to calibrate each sensor for the specific application.
  • Overforce Protection: Avoid applying force that exceeds the sensor's maximum rating to prevent damage.
  • Mounting: Ensure the FSR is mounted flat and is not subject to bending or twisting forces.
  • Temperature Effects: Be aware that the sensor's resistance can change with temperature, which may require compensation in the software.

Example Arduino Code

// Define the FSR pin and the fixed resistor value
const int fsrPin = A0; // FSR is connected to analog pin A0
const int fixedResistorValue = 10000; // 10kΩ fixed resistor

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication at 9600 baud

void loop() {
  int fsrReading = analogRead(fsrPin); // Read the voltage divider value
  // Calculate the voltage at the FSR
  float voltage = fsrReading * (5.0 / 1023.0);
  // Calculate the resistance of the FSR
  float fsrResistance = (5.0 - voltage) * fixedResistorValue / voltage;
  // Print the resistance value to the Serial Monitor
  Serial.println("FSR Resistance: " + String(fsrResistance) + " ohms");
  delay(500); // Wait half a second before reading again

Note: The above code assumes a 5V system voltage. Adjust the voltage in the code if using a different system voltage.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues

  • Inaccurate Readings: Ensure that the FSR is properly connected and that there are no loose connections. Calibrate the sensor for your specific application.
  • No Change in Resistance: Check for any damage to the FSR or for a disconnected terminal.
  • Drifting Values: Temperature changes can affect the resistance. Implement software compensation if necessary.

Solutions and Tips for Troubleshooting

  • Calibration: Use known weights to create a calibration curve for the FSR.
  • Connection Check: Verify all connections are secure and that the voltage divider is set up correctly.
  • Code Verification: Ensure that the code is correctly reading the analog input and that the calculations for resistance are accurate.


Q: Can I use an FSR to measure exact weights? A: FSRs are not typically used for precise weight measurements due to their non-linear response and variability. They are better suited for relative pressure sensing.

Q: How do I increase the sensitivity of the FSR? A: Sensitivity can be adjusted by changing the value of the fixed resistor in the voltage divider circuit. A higher value will increase sensitivity.

Q: What is the lifespan of an FSR? A: The lifespan can vary based on the force applied and the frequency of use, but they are generally rated for up to 1 million actuations.

Q: Can FSRs be used in harsh environments? A: FSRs vary in their environmental tolerance. Check the manufacturer's specifications for temperature, humidity, and mechanical stress limits.