A phototransistor is a semiconductor device that operates as a light-sensitive transistor. It is similar to a regular bipolar junction transistor (BJT), except that it is activated by photons rather than an electrical current at the base terminal. Phototransistors are widely used in electronic circuits for light detection and signal amplification, making them essential components in devices such as light sensors, optoisolators, and certain types of communication equipment.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | Emitter (E) | Current flows out through this terminal; connected to ground in most circuits |
2 | Collector (C) | Current flows in through this terminal; connected to the positive supply through a load |
3 | Base (B) | Typically left unconnected or used for sensitivity control as it is light-sensitive |
// Define the phototransistor pin
const int phototransistorPin = A0; // Analog input pin A0
void setup() {
// Initialize serial communication at 9600 baud rate
void loop() {
// Read the value from the phototransistor
int sensorValue = analogRead(phototransistorPin);
// Convert the reading to a voltage
float voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0);
// Print the voltage to the Serial Monitor
// Wait for a bit to get stable readings
Q: Can I use a phototransistor to detect specific colors of light? A: Phototransistors generally respond to a broad range of wavelengths. For color-specific applications, consider using a color sensor or applying optical filters.
Q: How do I increase the range of detection for a phototransistor? A: To increase the range, you can use a lens to focus light onto the phototransistor or increase the intensity of the light source.
Q: What is the difference between a phototransistor and a photodiode? A: A photodiode is designed to generate a current proportional to light intensity, while a phototransistor amplifies this current, resulting in greater sensitivity.