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How to Use PS2: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

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The PS/2 connector, manufactured by Arduino (Part ID: Connector), is a 6-pin mini-DIN connector used primarily for connecting keyboards and mice to computers. This connector was widely used in the 1990s and early 2000s before being largely replaced by USB interfaces. Despite its decline in mainstream use, the PS/2 connector remains relevant in certain applications, such as legacy systems, industrial equipment, and specific embedded systems.

Explore Projects Built with PS2

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Raspberry Pi Pico-based PS2 Controller Emulator with ADS1115 Analog Input
Image of PS2Pico: A project utilizing PS2 in a practical application
This circuit appears to be a game controller interface that uses a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller to emulate a PS2 controller, interfacing with a PS2 joystick and a PS2 console cable. The ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter is used to read the joystick's analog signals, and the microcontroller's SPI and I2C interfaces are utilized for communication with the PS2 console and the ADS1115, respectively. Additionally, an NPN transistor and a resistor are configured to handle the PS2 controller's acknowledge signal.
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ESP32-Based Wi-Fi Controlled Robotic Car with OLED Display and Laser Shooting
Image of 123: A project utilizing PS2 in a practical application
This circuit is a remote-controlled shooting game system using an ESP32 microcontroller, which interfaces with a PS3 controller to control two DC motors via a TB6612FNG motor driver, and a laser for shooting. The system includes an OLED display for game status, a photocell for detecting laser hits, and a piezo buzzer for sound feedback.
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ESP32-Based Wi-Fi Controlled Laser Shooting Game with OLED Display
Image of 123: A project utilizing PS2 in a practical application
This circuit is a laser shooting game controlled by a PS3 controller, featuring an ESP32 microcontroller, two photosensitive sensors for light detection, and a motor driver to control two DC motors. The game includes an OLED display for score visualization, and a MOSFET to control an LED bulb, with power supplied by a 12V battery and regulated by a DC-DC step-down converter.
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ESP32-Controlled Automated Transport System with OLED Display and Stepper Motor
Image of transportband: A project utilizing PS2 in a practical application
This circuit is designed for interactive control of a stepper motor using a PS2 joystick, with an ESP32 microcontroller at its core. It features visual feedback through an OLED display and LED indicators, and includes a buzzer for audio alerts. The system likely serves an automation or robotics application, with the ESP32 handling input processing, motor control, and user interface updates.
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Explore Projects Built with PS2

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of PS2Pico: A project utilizing PS2 in a practical application
Raspberry Pi Pico-based PS2 Controller Emulator with ADS1115 Analog Input
This circuit appears to be a game controller interface that uses a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller to emulate a PS2 controller, interfacing with a PS2 joystick and a PS2 console cable. The ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter is used to read the joystick's analog signals, and the microcontroller's SPI and I2C interfaces are utilized for communication with the PS2 console and the ADS1115, respectively. Additionally, an NPN transistor and a resistor are configured to handle the PS2 controller's acknowledge signal.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of 123: A project utilizing PS2 in a practical application
ESP32-Based Wi-Fi Controlled Robotic Car with OLED Display and Laser Shooting
This circuit is a remote-controlled shooting game system using an ESP32 microcontroller, which interfaces with a PS3 controller to control two DC motors via a TB6612FNG motor driver, and a laser for shooting. The system includes an OLED display for game status, a photocell for detecting laser hits, and a piezo buzzer for sound feedback.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of 123: A project utilizing PS2 in a practical application
ESP32-Based Wi-Fi Controlled Laser Shooting Game with OLED Display
This circuit is a laser shooting game controlled by a PS3 controller, featuring an ESP32 microcontroller, two photosensitive sensors for light detection, and a motor driver to control two DC motors. The game includes an OLED display for score visualization, and a MOSFET to control an LED bulb, with power supplied by a 12V battery and regulated by a DC-DC step-down converter.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of transportband: A project utilizing PS2 in a practical application
ESP32-Controlled Automated Transport System with OLED Display and Stepper Motor
This circuit is designed for interactive control of a stepper motor using a PS2 joystick, with an ESP32 microcontroller at its core. It features visual feedback through an OLED display and LED indicators, and includes a buzzer for audio alerts. The system likely serves an automation or robotics application, with the ESP32 handling input processing, motor control, and user interface updates.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer

Common Applications and Use Cases

  • Legacy Computer Systems: Connecting older keyboards and mice to computers.
  • Embedded Systems: Used in microcontroller projects for interfacing with PS/2 devices.
  • Industrial Equipment: Employed in machinery that requires robust and reliable input devices.
  • Hobbyist Projects: Ideal for DIY electronics projects involving retro hardware.

Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

Parameter Value
Voltage 5V DC
Current 275 mA (maximum)
Power Rating 1.375 W (maximum)
Connector Type 6-pin mini-DIN
Manufacturer Arduino
Part ID Connector

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Number Name Description
1 Data Serial data line
2 Not Used Not connected
3 Ground Ground
4 Vcc +5V power supply
5 Clock Clock signal
6 Not Used Not connected

Usage Instructions

How to Use the PS/2 Connector in a Circuit

  1. Power Supply: Connect Pin 4 (Vcc) to a 5V power source and Pin 3 (Ground) to the ground of your circuit.
  2. Data and Clock Lines: Connect Pin 1 (Data) and Pin 5 (Clock) to the corresponding data and clock lines of your microcontroller or interface device.
  3. Unused Pins: Pins 2 and 6 are not used and can be left unconnected.

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Voltage Levels: Ensure that the voltage levels are within the specified range (5V) to avoid damaging the PS/2 device.
  • Signal Integrity: Use short and shielded cables to maintain signal integrity, especially in noisy environments.
  • Pull-up Resistors: Consider using pull-up resistors on the data and clock lines to ensure proper signal levels.

Example: Connecting to an Arduino UNO

To connect a PS/2 keyboard to an Arduino UNO, you can use the following example code:

#include <PS2Keyboard.h>

// Define the clock and data pins
const int DataPin = 8;
const int ClockPin = 9;

PS2Keyboard keyboard;

void setup() {
  keyboard.begin(DataPin, ClockPin);
  Serial.println("Keyboard Test:");

void loop() {
  if (keyboard.available()) {
    char c =;
    // Print the character to the serial monitor

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues and Solutions

  1. No Response from PS/2 Device:

    • Solution: Check the power connections (Vcc and Ground) and ensure they are properly connected.
    • Solution: Verify that the data and clock lines are correctly connected to the microcontroller.
  2. Erratic Behavior or Missing Keystrokes:

    • Solution: Use shorter and shielded cables to reduce noise and signal degradation.
    • Solution: Add pull-up resistors to the data and clock lines if not already present.
  3. Device Not Recognized:

    • Solution: Ensure that the PS/2 device is compatible with the microcontroller or interface being used.
    • Solution: Double-check the pin configuration and connections.


Q: Can I use a PS/2 to USB adapter with this connector? A: Yes, you can use a PS/2 to USB adapter to connect PS/2 devices to USB ports, but ensure the adapter is compatible with your device.

Q: What is the maximum cable length for a PS/2 connection? A: The maximum recommended cable length for a PS/2 connection is approximately 6 feet (1.8 meters) to maintain signal integrity.

Q: Can I connect both a PS/2 keyboard and mouse to a single microcontroller? A: Yes, you can connect both a PS/2 keyboard and mouse to a single microcontroller, but you will need separate data and clock lines for each device.

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the PS/2 connector, including its technical specifications, usage instructions, and troubleshooting tips. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this guide will help you effectively utilize the PS/2 connector in your projects.