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How to Use 4023: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

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The 4023 is a dual 4-input NAND gate integrated circuit (IC) that is widely used in digital electronics for implementing various logic functions. This versatile component features two independent NAND gates, each capable of accepting four input signals. The 4023 is ideal for applications requiring complex logic operations, such as data processing, signal conditioning, and control systems.

Explore Projects Built with 4023

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Logic Gate Circuit with 7408 AND and 7432 OR ICs
Image of gate: A project utilizing 4023 in a practical application
This circuit includes a 7408 AND gate IC and a 7432 OR gate IC, both powered by a common VCC and GND connection. The circuit is designed to perform basic logical operations, combining AND and OR gates for digital signal processing.
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Arduino Nano 33 BLE Battery-Powered Display Interface
Image of senior design 1: A project utilizing 4023 in a practical application
This circuit features a Nano 33 BLE microcontroller interfaced with a TM1637 4-digit 7-segment display for information output, powered by a 3.7V battery managed by a TP4056 charging module. The microcontroller communicates with the display to present data, while the TP4056 ensures the battery is charged safely and provides power to the system.
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Pushbutton-Controlled Interface with 40-Pin Connector and UBS Power Supply
Image of connect 4: A project utilizing 4023 in a practical application
This circuit consists of a 40-pin connector interfacing with four pushbuttons and a UBS power supply. The pushbuttons are used as inputs to the connector, which then relays the signals to other components or systems. The UBS power supply provides the necessary 24V power to the pushbuttons and the common ground for the circuit.
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ESP32-Based Battery-Powered Multi-Sensor System
Image of Dive sense: A project utilizing 4023 in a practical application
This circuit consists of a TP4056 module connected to a 3.7V LiPo battery, providing a charging interface for the battery. The TP4056 manages the charging process by connecting its B+ and B- pins to the battery's positive and ground terminals, respectively.
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Explore Projects Built with 4023

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of gate: A project utilizing 4023 in a practical application
Logic Gate Circuit with 7408 AND and 7432 OR ICs
This circuit includes a 7408 AND gate IC and a 7432 OR gate IC, both powered by a common VCC and GND connection. The circuit is designed to perform basic logical operations, combining AND and OR gates for digital signal processing.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of senior design 1: A project utilizing 4023 in a practical application
Arduino Nano 33 BLE Battery-Powered Display Interface
This circuit features a Nano 33 BLE microcontroller interfaced with a TM1637 4-digit 7-segment display for information output, powered by a 3.7V battery managed by a TP4056 charging module. The microcontroller communicates with the display to present data, while the TP4056 ensures the battery is charged safely and provides power to the system.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of connect 4: A project utilizing 4023 in a practical application
Pushbutton-Controlled Interface with 40-Pin Connector and UBS Power Supply
This circuit consists of a 40-pin connector interfacing with four pushbuttons and a UBS power supply. The pushbuttons are used as inputs to the connector, which then relays the signals to other components or systems. The UBS power supply provides the necessary 24V power to the pushbuttons and the common ground for the circuit.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Dive sense: A project utilizing 4023 in a practical application
ESP32-Based Battery-Powered Multi-Sensor System
This circuit consists of a TP4056 module connected to a 3.7V LiPo battery, providing a charging interface for the battery. The TP4056 manages the charging process by connecting its B+ and B- pins to the battery's positive and ground terminals, respectively.
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Common Applications and Use Cases

  • Digital Logic Design: Used in combinational logic circuits.
  • Signal Processing: Employed in filtering and signal conditioning applications.
  • Control Systems: Utilized in automation and control logic.
  • Data Communication: Functions in encoding and decoding logic.

Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

Parameter Value
Supply Voltage (Vcc) 3V to 15V
Input Voltage (Vi) 0V to Vcc
Output Voltage (Vo) 0V to Vcc
Maximum Output Current 25 mA
Power Dissipation 500 mW
Operating Temperature -55°C to +125°C

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Number Pin Name Description
1 A1 Input 1 for NAND Gate 1
2 A2 Input 2 for NAND Gate 1
3 A3 Input 3 for NAND Gate 1
4 A4 Input 4 for NAND Gate 1
5 Y1 Output for NAND Gate 1
6 GND Ground connection
7 Vcc Supply voltage connection
8 A5 Input 1 for NAND Gate 2
9 A6 Input 2 for NAND Gate 2
10 A7 Input 3 for NAND Gate 2
11 A8 Input 4 for NAND Gate 2
12 Y2 Output for NAND Gate 2

Usage Instructions

How to Use the Component in a Circuit

  1. Power Supply Connection: Connect the Vcc pin (Pin 7) to the positive supply voltage and the GND pin (Pin 6) to ground.
  2. Input Connections: Connect your input signals to the appropriate input pins (A1 to A4 for NAND Gate 1 and A5 to A8 for NAND Gate 2).
  3. Output Connection: Connect the output pins (Y1 for NAND Gate 1 and Y2 for NAND Gate 2) to the next stage of your circuit.

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Ensure that the supply voltage does not exceed the maximum rating of 15V.
  • Avoid connecting inputs directly to the supply voltage or ground without a resistor to prevent damage.
  • Use pull-up or pull-down resistors if necessary to ensure stable logic levels.
  • Keep the operating temperature within the specified range to maintain performance.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues Users Might Face

  1. No Output Signal:

    • Solution: Check the power supply connections and ensure that the Vcc and GND pins are properly connected.
  2. Unexpected Output Levels:

    • Solution: Verify that all input signals are within the specified voltage range. Check for floating inputs.
  3. Overheating:

    • Solution: Ensure that the IC is not subjected to excessive current. Check for short circuits in the circuit.

Tips for Troubleshooting

  • Use a multimeter to measure voltage levels at the input and output pins.
  • If using in a breadboard setup, ensure all connections are secure and not loose.
  • Consult the datasheet for additional specifications and characteristics.

Example Code for Arduino UNO

If you are using the 4023 NAND gate with an Arduino UNO, here is a simple example code to demonstrate how to read inputs and control outputs based on the NAND logic.

// Define pin numbers for inputs and output
const int input1 = 2; // A1
const int input2 = 3; // A2
const int output1 = 4; // Y1

void setup() {
  // Initialize input pins
  pinMode(input1, INPUT);
  pinMode(input2, INPUT);
  // Initialize output pin
  pinMode(output1, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // Read input values
  int val1 = digitalRead(input1);
  int val2 = digitalRead(input2);
  // Implement NAND logic
  int outputValue = !(val1 && val2);
  // Set output pin based on NAND logic
  digitalWrite(output1, outputValue);
  // Small delay for stability

This code reads two input signals and produces an output based on the NAND logic. Make sure to connect the input pins to the corresponding pins on the 4023 IC.