The 4023 is a dual 4-input NAND gate integrated circuit (IC) that is widely used in digital electronics for implementing various logic functions. This versatile component features two independent NAND gates, each capable of accepting four input signals. The 4023 is ideal for applications requiring complex logic operations, such as data processing, signal conditioning, and control systems.
Parameter | Value |
Supply Voltage (Vcc) | 3V to 15V |
Input Voltage (Vi) | 0V to Vcc |
Output Voltage (Vo) | 0V to Vcc |
Maximum Output Current | 25 mA |
Power Dissipation | 500 mW |
Operating Temperature | -55°C to +125°C |
Pin Number | Pin Name | Description |
1 | A1 | Input 1 for NAND Gate 1 |
2 | A2 | Input 2 for NAND Gate 1 |
3 | A3 | Input 3 for NAND Gate 1 |
4 | A4 | Input 4 for NAND Gate 1 |
5 | Y1 | Output for NAND Gate 1 |
6 | GND | Ground connection |
7 | Vcc | Supply voltage connection |
8 | A5 | Input 1 for NAND Gate 2 |
9 | A6 | Input 2 for NAND Gate 2 |
10 | A7 | Input 3 for NAND Gate 2 |
11 | A8 | Input 4 for NAND Gate 2 |
12 | Y2 | Output for NAND Gate 2 |
No Output Signal:
Unexpected Output Levels:
If you are using the 4023 NAND gate with an Arduino UNO, here is a simple example code to demonstrate how to read inputs and control outputs based on the NAND logic.
// Define pin numbers for inputs and output
const int input1 = 2; // A1
const int input2 = 3; // A2
const int output1 = 4; // Y1
void setup() {
// Initialize input pins
pinMode(input1, INPUT);
pinMode(input2, INPUT);
// Initialize output pin
pinMode(output1, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read input values
int val1 = digitalRead(input1);
int val2 = digitalRead(input2);
// Implement NAND logic
int outputValue = !(val1 && val2);
// Set output pin based on NAND logic
digitalWrite(output1, outputValue);
// Small delay for stability
This code reads two input signals and produces an output based on the NAND logic. Make sure to connect the input pins to the corresponding pins on the 4023 IC.