The CD4017 is a CMOS Decade Counter/Divider integrated circuit. It is widely used in various applications such as LED chasers, frequency dividers, and as a building block for sequential logic circuits. The component has 10 decoded outputs that can be used to generate a sequence of pulses, making it ideal for creating light displays or timing events in electronic projects.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | Q5 | Output 5 |
2 | Q1 | Output 1 |
3 | Q0 | Output 0 |
4 | Q2 | Output 2 |
5 | Q6 | Output 6 |
6 | Q7 | Output 7 |
7 | Q3 | Output 3 |
8 | Vss | Ground |
9 | Q8 | Output 8 |
10 | Q4 | Output 4 |
11 | Q9 | Output 9 |
12 | CO | Carry Out (for cascading) |
13 | Reset | Resets the counter to zero |
14 | Clock | Clock input (rising edge triggered) |
15 | Clock Inhibit | Disables clock when high |
16 | Vdd | Positive Supply Voltage |
// Define the clock and reset pins
const int clockPin = 3;
const int resetPin = 4;
void setup() {
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(resetPin, OUTPUT);
// Reset the CD4017
digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(resetPin, LOW);
void loop() {
// Generate a clock pulse
digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH);
delay(10); // Keep the clock high for 10ms
digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);
delay(500); // Wait 500ms before the next pulse
This code will sequentially light up LEDs connected to the outputs of the CD4017, creating a chaser effect.
Q: Can I use the CD4017 to count beyond 10? A: Yes, by connecting the CO (Carry Out) of one CD4017 to the clock input of another, you can cascade multiple devices to count higher.
Q: How do I reset the counter to a specific number? A: The CD4017 can only be reset to zero. To start at a specific number, you would need additional logic to skip the initial counts.
Q: Can the CD4017 be used with a microcontroller like an Arduino? A: Absolutely. The CD4017 can be interfaced with an Arduino or any other microcontroller to create more complex sequences or patterns.
Remember to always consult the datasheet for the most accurate and detailed information about the component.