The STM32F0DISCOVERY board is a development tool for the STM32 F0 series of microcontrollers from STMicroelectronics. This board is designed to help developers explore the capabilities of the STM32 F0 MCUs and develop applications quickly. The STM32 F0 series is known for its high performance in terms of processing power and efficiency, making it suitable for a wide range of applications including industrial control, motor drives, medical equipment, and consumer electronics.
Pin Number | Pin Name | Description |
1 | VDD | Power supply (2.0 to 3.6 V) |
2 | GND | Ground reference |
3 | NRST | Reset pin (active low) |
... | ... | ... |
n | IOx | General-purpose input/output pin |
Note: This is a simplified representation. The actual STM32F0DISCOVERY board has multiple pins for each function, and the pinout should be consulted in the datasheet for detailed information.
// Example code to blink an LED connected to pin PA5 on the STM32F0DISCOVERY
#include "stm32f0xx.h"
void delay(uint32_t time) {
int main(void) {
GPIOA->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER5_0; // Set PA5 as output
while(1) {
GPIOA->ODR ^= GPIO_ODR_5; // Toggle PA5
delay(1000000); // Simple delay
Note: This code is for illustrative purposes and assumes that the appropriate environment is set up for STM32 development. It does not run on an Arduino UNO but demonstrates how you might control an I/O pin on the STM32F0DISCOVERY.
Remember to consult the official STMicroelectronics documentation for the STM32F0DISCOVERY board for comprehensive information, including the full datasheet, reference manual, and user manual.