A Rotary Encoder with Knob is an electromechanical device that converts the angular position or motion of a shaft or axle to digital output signals. It is commonly used in applications that require precise control over parameters such as volume, position, or menu navigation in user interfaces. Unlike potentiometers, rotary encoders provide infinite rotation without a start or end point, making them ideal for applications where a full range of motion is necessary.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | GND | Ground connection |
2 | VCC | Power supply (3.3V to 5V) |
3 | SW | Pushbutton switch (active low) |
4 | DT | Data or B-phase output |
5 | CLK | Clock or A-phase output |
// Define the connections to the Arduino
const int pinCLK = 2; // Connect to CLK on the rotary encoder
const int pinDT = 3; // Connect to DT on the rotary encoder
const int pinSW = 4; // Connect to SW on the rotary encoder
// Variables to hold the current and last encoder position
volatile int encoderPos = 0;
int lastEncoderPos = 0;
// Interrupt service routine for CLK
void isrCLK() {
if (digitalRead(pinDT) != digitalRead(pinCLK)) {
encoderPos++; // Clockwise
} else {
encoderPos--; // Counterclockwise
// Interrupt service routine for SW
void isrSW() {
// Implement switch functionality (e.g., reset position)
void setup() {
pinMode(pinCLK, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(pinDT, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(pinSW, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Attach the interrupt service routines
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pinCLK), isrCLK, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pinSW), isrSW, FALLING);
void loop() {
if (lastEncoderPos != encoderPos) {
Serial.print("Position: ");
lastEncoderPos = encoderPos;
// Additional code to handle the encoder position
Q: Can I use the rotary encoder without an external pull-up resistor? A: Yes, most microcontrollers, including the Arduino UNO, have internal pull-up resistors that can be enabled through software.
Q: How do I know if my rotary encoder is working? A: You can test the encoder by monitoring the output of the DT and CLK pins with an oscilloscope or by running a simple test code on a microcontroller to print the encoder position.
Q: What is the maximum rotation speed the encoder can handle? A: The maximum rotation speed depends on the specific model and the microcontroller's ability to read the signals. Refer to the datasheet for maximum mechanical speed and ensure your microcontroller's interrupt handling is fast enough.