The 74HC11 is an integrated circuit that contains three independent 3-input AND gates. It is part of the 74HC family of high-speed CMOS logic chips. AND gates are fundamental building blocks in digital electronics, performing a logical multiplication. The 74HC11 is commonly used in digital circuits where a logic level needs to be asserted only when multiple conditions are simultaneously true.
Pin Number | Description |
1 | Input A1 |
2 | Input B1 |
3 | Input C1 |
4 | Output Y1 |
5 | Input A2 |
6 | Input B2 |
7 | Ground (GND) |
8 | Input C2 |
9 | Output Y2 |
10 | Input C3 |
11 | Input B3 |
12 | Input A3 |
13 | Output Y3 |
14 | Positive Supply (Vcc) |
Power Supply: Connect pin 14 to a positive supply voltage (Vcc) between 2V and 6V. Connect pin 7 to the ground (GND).
Input Connections: Connect the inputs of each AND gate (pins 1, 2, 3 for gate 1; pins 5, 6, 8 for gate 2; pins 10, 11, 12 for gate 3) to your digital signals. Ensure that the input signals are within the specified voltage levels for logic high (VIH) and logic low (VIL).
Output Connections: The outputs of the AND gates (pins 4, 9, 13) can be connected to other digital logic circuits, microcontrollers, or LEDs with appropriate current-limiting resistors.
Decoupling Capacitor: It is good practice to place a 0.1 µF decoupling capacitor close to the Vcc pin to filter out noise.
Q: Can I use the 74HC11 at a voltage lower than 2V? A: No, the 74HC11 is designed to operate within a supply voltage range of 2V to 6V.
Q: What happens if I exceed the maximum output current? A: Exceeding the maximum output current can damage the device and affect its performance.
Q: Can I connect the outputs of two gates together? A: Directly connecting outputs can cause damage if they are at different logic levels. Use an OR gate or diodes for wired-OR logic instead.
// Example code to control an LED using one of the 74HC11's AND gates connected to an Arduino UNO
const int inputPinA = 2; // Connect to pin 1 of 74HC11
const int inputPinB = 3; // Connect to pin 2 of 74HC11
const int inputPinC = 4; // Connect to pin 3 of 74HC11
const int outputPin = 5; // Connect to pin 4 of 74HC11
void setup() {
pinMode(inputPinA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(inputPinB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(inputPinC, OUTPUT);
pinMode(outputPin, INPUT); // The output from 74HC11 is an input to Arduino
void loop() {
// Set all inputs to HIGH
digitalWrite(inputPinA, HIGH);
digitalWrite(inputPinB, HIGH);
digitalWrite(inputPinC, HIGH);
// Read the output state
if (digitalRead(outputPin) == HIGH) {
// If the output is HIGH, all inputs are HIGH
// Add your logic here
// Add more code to change input states and implement your logic
Remember to ensure that the 74HC11's Vcc and GND are connected to the Arduino's 5V and GND, respectively, and that the output pin is connected to a digital input on the Arduino. The above code assumes that the AND gate's conditions are met when all inputs are HIGH, and it reads the output state accordingly.