The 4029 IC is a versatile presettable up/down counter that integrates a four-stage binary or BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) counter with a full complement of external control inputs. This component is widely used in digital electronics for counting purposes, frequency division, and as a building block for more complex counters. Common applications include digital clocks, frequency counters, calculators, and in various projects where numerical operations are required.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | Q4 | Fourth bit of the counter (MSB in 4-bit mode) |
2 | Q1 | First bit of the counter (LSB) |
3 | Q2 | Second bit of the counter |
4 | Q3 | Third bit of the counter |
5 | Carry Out | Goes high on overflow/underflow |
6 | Down/Up | Determines counting direction: Low for up, High for down |
7 | Vss (GND) | Ground reference (0V) |
8 | Clock Inhibit | Disables clock when high |
9 | Clock | Clock pulse input |
10 | Binary/Decade | Selects counting mode: Low for binary, High for BCD |
11 | Carry In | Enables cascading of multiple counters |
12 | Preset Enable | Activates preset inputs when low |
13 | Data A (Preset 1) | Preset input 1 |
14 | Data B (Preset 2) | Preset input 2 |
15 | Data C (Preset 3) | Preset input 3 |
16 | Data D (Preset 4) | Preset input 4 (MSB in 4-bit mode) |
17 | Vcc | Positive supply voltage |
Q: Can the 4029 IC be used to count in decimal? A: Yes, by setting the Binary/Decade pin high, the 4029 will count in BCD mode, which is suitable for decimal counting.
Q: How can I reset the counter to zero? A: To reset the counter, preset it to zero by setting the Preset Enable pin low and applying a low signal to all Data A-D pins.
Q: What is the maximum frequency the 4029 can count? A: The maximum frequency is typically 6MHz at a Vcc of 10V, but this can vary with supply voltage and temperature.
// Example code to interface a 4029 counter with an Arduino UNO
const int clockPin = 3; // Connect to Clock pin of 4029
const int upDownPin = 4; // Connect to Down/Up pin of 4029
void setup() {
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(upDownPin, OUTPUT);
// Set the counter to count up
digitalWrite(upDownPin, LOW);
void loop() {
// Generate a clock pulse
digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH);
delay(10); // Wait for 10 milliseconds
digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);
delay(10); // Wait for 10 milliseconds
// The counter will increment with each pulse
Remember to adjust the pin numbers and connections according to your specific setup. The above code will make the 4029 counter increment with each clock pulse. To count down, simply set the upDownPin
to HIGH.