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How to Use Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

Image of Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red
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The Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack is a versatile and easy-to-use accessory designed to drive a 16x8 grid of LEDs, providing a bright red display for a variety of projects. This component is ideal for creating scrolling messages, animations, or for building your own custom display. It is commonly used in wearables, digital scoreboards, clocks, and small games.

Explore Projects Built with Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
ESP32-Controlled Dual 8x8 LED Matrix Display with NTP Time Synchronization
Image of time: A project utilizing Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red in a practical application
This circuit features an ESP32 microcontroller connected to two cascaded 8x8 LED matrix displays, powered by a 3.3V battery. The ESP32 drives the displays to show time and other information, with the code indicating functionality for connecting to WiFi, synchronizing time via NTP, and displaying data on the matrices using custom fonts. Additionally, there is a separate 3.3V battery powering a red LED, which appears to function as a simple indicator light.
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Arduino-Controlled RGB LED Matrix Display
Image of SMD2121 Led screen: A project utilizing Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red in a practical application
This circuit connects an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi microcontroller to a 64x32 LED matrix display. The Arduino is configured to control the LED matrix, sending color data and control signals to display various colors across the matrix. The embedded code on the Arduino cycles through a range of colors, filling the entire LED matrix with each color in sequence.
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Arduino UNO Controlled LED Matrix Display with Interactive Pushbuttons
Image of Cykel: A project utilizing Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red in a practical application
This circuit features an Arduino UNO microcontroller connected to multiple 8x8 LED matrix displays and pushbuttons. The pushbuttons are interfaced with digital pins D2, D3, and D4 on the Arduino for input, while the LED matrices are connected to digital pins D5 through D10 for control signals. Additionally, there is a single red LED with a series resistor connected to pin D12, likely used as an indicator light.
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Arduino UNO WiFi-Controlled LED Matrix Display
Image of SMD2121 Led screen - r4: A project utilizing Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red in a practical application
This circuit consists of an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi microcontroller connected to a 64x32 LED matrix. The Arduino controls the LED matrix by sending signals to various pins to display different colors and patterns, as defined in the embedded code.
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Explore Projects Built with Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of time: A project utilizing Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red in a practical application
ESP32-Controlled Dual 8x8 LED Matrix Display with NTP Time Synchronization
This circuit features an ESP32 microcontroller connected to two cascaded 8x8 LED matrix displays, powered by a 3.3V battery. The ESP32 drives the displays to show time and other information, with the code indicating functionality for connecting to WiFi, synchronizing time via NTP, and displaying data on the matrices using custom fonts. Additionally, there is a separate 3.3V battery powering a red LED, which appears to function as a simple indicator light.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of SMD2121 Led screen: A project utilizing Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red in a practical application
Arduino-Controlled RGB LED Matrix Display
This circuit connects an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi microcontroller to a 64x32 LED matrix display. The Arduino is configured to control the LED matrix, sending color data and control signals to display various colors across the matrix. The embedded code on the Arduino cycles through a range of colors, filling the entire LED matrix with each color in sequence.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Cykel: A project utilizing Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red in a practical application
Arduino UNO Controlled LED Matrix Display with Interactive Pushbuttons
This circuit features an Arduino UNO microcontroller connected to multiple 8x8 LED matrix displays and pushbuttons. The pushbuttons are interfaced with digital pins D2, D3, and D4 on the Arduino for input, while the LED matrices are connected to digital pins D5 through D10 for control signals. Additionally, there is a single red LED with a series resistor connected to pin D12, likely used as an indicator light.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of SMD2121 Led screen - r4: A project utilizing Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red in a practical application
Arduino UNO WiFi-Controlled LED Matrix Display
This circuit consists of an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi microcontroller connected to a 64x32 LED matrix. The Arduino controls the LED matrix by sending signals to various pins to display different colors and patterns, as defined in the embedded code.
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Common Applications and Use Cases

  • Scrolling text displays
  • Digital scoreboards
  • Custom clocks and timers
  • Simple games and animations
  • Wearable electronics

Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

  • LED Color: Red
  • Matrix Size: 16x8 (128 LEDs total)
  • Communication Interface: I2C
  • Operating Voltage: 4.5V - 5.5V
  • Max Current (all LEDs on): Approximately 500mA
  • Driver IC: HT16K33

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Description
GND Ground connection
VCC Power supply (4.5V - 5.5V)
SDA I2C data line
SCL I2C clock line
ADDR0 Address selection pin 0
ADDR1 Address selection pin 1
ADDR2 Address selection pin 2

Usage Instructions

How to Use the Component in a Circuit

  1. Power Connections: Connect the VCC pin to a 5V supply and the GND pin to ground.
  2. I2C Connections: Connect the SDA and SCL pins to your microcontroller's I2C data and clock lines.
  3. Address Selection: The ADDR0, ADDR1, and ADDR2 pins can be connected to ground or VCC to set the I2C address of the device. This allows multiple matrices to be controlled on the same I2C bus.

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Ensure that your power supply can handle the maximum current draw when all LEDs are on.
  • Use pull-up resistors on the SDA and SCL lines if your microcontroller does not have built-in pull-ups.
  • To prevent damage, do not exceed the recommended operating voltage.
  • When chaining multiple LED matrices, ensure that the I2C addresses are set correctly to avoid conflicts.

Example Code for Arduino UNO

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h>

Adafruit_8x16matrix matrix = Adafruit_8x16matrix();

void setup() {
  matrix.begin(0x70); // Initialize the matrix with its I2C address
  matrix.setBrightness(10); // Set the brightness to a value between 0 and 15
  matrix.clear(); // Clear the matrix display

void loop() {
  matrix.clear(); // Clear the matrix display
  matrix.setCursor(0, 0); // Set cursor at top-left corner
  matrix.print(F("Hello")); // Print a message to the matrix
  matrix.writeDisplay(); // Update the display with the new data
  delay(500); // Wait for half a second

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues Users Might Face

  • LEDs Not Lighting Up: Ensure that the power supply is connected correctly and that the I2C lines are properly connected to the microcontroller.
  • Dim Display: Check the brightness setting in your code and ensure that the power supply can deliver sufficient current.
  • Garbled Display: Make sure that the I2C address is set correctly and that there are no conflicts on the I2C bus.

Solutions and Tips for Troubleshooting

  • Double-check wiring connections and solder joints for any loose connections or shorts.
  • Use a multimeter to verify that the correct voltage is present at the VCC pin.
  • If using multiple LED matrices, ensure that each matrix has a unique I2C address.
  • Check the microcontroller's I2C pull-up resistor configuration.


Q: Can I use this LED matrix with a 3.3V microcontroller? A: Yes, but ensure that the logic levels are compatible with the matrix's I2C interface.

Q: How many of these LED matrices can I chain together? A: You can chain up to 8 matrices on the same I2C bus by setting unique addresses using the ADDR pins.

Q: Can I use this matrix with programming environments other than Arduino? A: Yes, as long as the environment supports I2C communication and you have the necessary libraries for the HT16K33 driver IC.

This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to using the Adafruit 16x8 LED Matrix Backpack Red with an Arduino UNO or similar microcontroller. For further assistance, consult the Adafruit support forums or the product's official page.