The 74HC27 is an integrated circuit that contains three independent 3-input NOR gates. It is part of the 74HC family, which is a range of high-speed CMOS logic integrated circuits. NOR gates are fundamental building blocks in digital electronics, and the 74HC27 is commonly used in a variety of applications such as logic function generation, control circuits, and digital systems where multiple inputs need to be combined to produce an inverted output.
Pin Number | Description |
1 | Input A1 |
2 | Input B1 |
3 | Input C1 |
4 | Output Y1 |
5 | Input A2 |
6 | Input B2 |
7 | Input C2 |
8 | Ground (GND) |
9 | Output Y2 |
10 | Input A3 |
11 | Input B3 |
12 | Input C3 |
13 | Output Y3 |
14 | Positive Supply (Vcc) |
Q: Can I use the 74HC27 at a supply voltage lower than 2V? A: No, the 74HC27 is designed to operate within a supply voltage range of 2V to 6V.
Q: What happens if I leave an input pin unconnected? A: Unconnected or floating inputs can pick up noise and cause unpredictable behavior. It is best to tie unused inputs to Vcc or GND.
Q: Is the 74HC27 compatible with TTL logic levels? A: Yes, the 74HC27 is TTL compatible when operating at Vcc = 5V.
Q: Can I connect the outputs of two NOR gates together? A: Directly connecting outputs can cause damage when they are at different logic levels. Use a proper logic circuit to combine outputs.
// Example code to demonstrate the use of 74HC27 with Arduino UNO
const int inputPinA1 = 2; // Connect to 74HC27 Pin 1
const int inputPinB1 = 3; // Connect to 74HC27 Pin 2
const int inputPinC1 = 4; // Connect to 74HC27 Pin 3
const int outputPinY1 = 5; // Connect to 74HC27 Pin 4
void setup() {
pinMode(inputPinA1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(inputPinB1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(inputPinC1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(outputPinY1, INPUT); // The output from 74HC27 is an input to Arduino
void loop() {
// Set all inputs to LOW
digitalWrite(inputPinA1, LOW);
digitalWrite(inputPinB1, LOW);
digitalWrite(inputPinC1, LOW);
// Read the output of the NOR gate
int outputState = digitalRead(outputPinY1);
// Output should be HIGH since all inputs are LOW
if (outputState == HIGH) {
// Do something when the NOR gate output is HIGH
// Add a delay for stability
Remember to connect the Vcc and GND pins of the 74HC27 to the 5V and GND pins on the Arduino UNO, respectively. The example above demonstrates a simple use case where all inputs are set to LOW, and the output is read by the Arduino. Adjust the input states as needed for your specific application.