The Nokia 5110 LCD is a low-power, monochrome graphic display commonly used in embedded systems and DIY electronics projects. Manufactured by Nokia, this display features a resolution of 84x48 pixels and communicates via an SPI interface. It is widely appreciated for its simplicity, low power consumption, and ease of integration with microcontrollers such as the Arduino UNO.
Parameter | Value |
Resolution | 84x48 pixels |
Interface | SPI |
Operating Voltage | 2.7V to 3.3V |
Current Consumption | 6-7 mA (typical) |
Backlight | LED (optional) |
Dimensions | 43.6mm x 43.1mm x 2.7mm |
Pin | Name | Description |
1 | RST | Reset pin. Resets the display. |
2 | CE | Chip Enable. Active low to enable communication. |
3 | DC | Data/Command. Selects data or command mode. |
4 | DIN | Data Input. Serial data input. |
5 | CLK | Clock. Serial clock input. |
6 | VCC | Power Supply. Connect to 3.3V. |
7 | BL | Backlight. Connect to ground to enable backlight. |
8 | GND | Ground. Connect to ground. |
Nokia 5110 Pin | Arduino UNO Pin |
RST | 8 |
CE | 7 |
DC | 6 |
DIN | 11 (MOSI) |
CLK | 13 (SCK) |
VCC | 3.3V |
BL | GND |
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_PCD8544.h>
// Pin configuration
#define RST_PIN 8
#define CE_PIN 7
#define DC_PIN 6
#define DIN_PIN 11
#define CLK_PIN 13
// Create display object
Adafruit_PCD8544 display = Adafruit_PCD8544(CE_PIN, DC_PIN, DIN_PIN, CLK_PIN, RST_PIN);
void setup() {
// Initialize the display
display.setContrast(50); // Set contrast level
display.clearDisplay(); // Clear the display buffer
display.display(); // Update the display
void loop() {
// Display text
display.setCursor(0, 0);
display.print("Hello, World!");
display.display(); // Update the display
delay(2000); // Wait for 2 seconds
// Clear the display
No Display Output:
Flickering Display:
Backlight Not Working:
Incorrect Display:
By following this documentation, users can effectively integrate and utilize the Nokia 5110 LCD display in their projects, ensuring reliable performance and successful outcomes.