The Adafruit 1.2 Inch 8x8 LED Matrix Backpack Blue is a versatile and user-friendly electronic component designed for displaying characters, symbols, and animations. This LED matrix backpack is ideal for hobbyists and professionals looking to add a visual element to their projects. Common applications include creating digital signage, gaming displays, and interactive art installations.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | GND | Ground connection |
2 | VCC | Power supply (4.5V - 5.5V) |
3 | SDA | I2C Data line |
4 | SCL | I2C Clock line |
To use the Adafruit 1.2 Inch 8x8 LED Matrix Backpack Blue in your circuit, follow these steps:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h>
Adafruit_8x8matrix matrix = Adafruit_8x8matrix();
void setup() {
matrix.begin(0x70); // Initialize the matrix with the I2C address
matrix.setBrightness(10); // Set brightness level (0 is dim, 15 is bright)
void loop() {
matrix.clear(); // Clear the matrix display
matrix.drawPixel(4, 4, LED_ON); // Turn on a single LED at (x=4, y=4)
matrix.writeDisplay(); // Update the display with the changes
delay(500); // Wait for half a second
matrix.clear(); // Clear the display again
matrix.writeDisplay(); // Update the display
delay(500); // Wait for half a second
This example initializes the LED matrix and blinks a single LED on and off. Make sure to include the Adafruit GFX and LED Backpack libraries in your Arduino IDE before uploading the code to your Arduino UNO.
function. Verify that the power supply can deliver sufficient current.Q: Can I control each LED individually?
A: Yes, each LED can be controlled individually using the drawPixel
Q: How do I change the I2C address? A: The I2C address can be changed by soldering the address jumpers on the back of the PCB. Refer to the Adafruit guide for detailed instructions.
Q: Is it possible to daisy-chain multiple matrices? A: Yes, you can daisy-chain multiple matrices by connecting their I2C lines in parallel and assigning unique addresses to each matrix.
Q: Can this LED matrix display colors other than blue? A: This specific model only displays blue, but other models with different colored LEDs are available.
For further assistance, refer to the Adafruit support forums or contact technical support.