The 4081 integrated circuit (IC) is a digital logic component that contains four independent 2-input AND gates. It is commonly used in digital circuits to perform logical conjunction, where a high output (1) is only present if both inputs are high. This IC is widely used in various applications such as computing, signal processing, and control systems where logical operations are required.
Pin Number | Description |
1 | Input A1 |
2 | Input B1 |
3 | Output Y1 |
4 | Input A2 |
5 | Input B2 |
6 | Output Y2 |
7 | Ground (0V) |
8 | Output Y3 |
9 | Input B3 |
10 | Input A3 |
11 | Output Y4 |
12 | Input B4 |
13 | Input A4 |
14 | Positive Supply (Vcc) |
Q: Can I use the 4081 IC with a 5V supply? A: Yes, the 4081 IC can operate with a supply voltage as low as 3V, so it is compatible with a 5V supply.
Q: What happens if I only need one AND gate? A: You can use just one AND gate and leave the other inputs unconnected (tied to a known logic level) or use them for other independent logic operations.
Q: Is the 4081 IC compatible with TTL logic levels? A: The 4081 is a CMOS IC and has different input threshold levels compared to TTL. However, it can often be interfaced with TTL logic with careful consideration of voltage levels.
// Example code to demonstrate the use of a 4081 AND gate with an Arduino UNO
const int inputPinA = 2; // Connect to Input A1 of the 4081
const int inputPinB = 3; // Connect to Input B1 of the 4081
const int outputPin = 4; // Connect to Output Y1 of the 4081
void setup() {
pinMode(inputPinA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(inputPinB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(outputPin, INPUT); // The output of 4081 is an input to Arduino
void loop() {
// Set both inputs to HIGH and check the output
digitalWrite(inputPinA, HIGH);
digitalWrite(inputPinB, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(outputPin) == HIGH) {
// The AND condition is true, both inputs are HIGH
// Add your logic here
// Add other logic combinations as needed
// Remember to consider the delay due to the propagation time of the 4081
Note: When interfacing with a microcontroller like the Arduino UNO, ensure that the voltage levels are compatible and that the IC is powered correctly. The example code assumes that the 4081 IC is powered with a 5V supply which is compatible with the Arduino UNO logic levels.