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How to Use OpenSegment: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

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The OpenSegment is a versatile and easy-to-use display module that integrates four 7-segment LED displays, allowing users to present numerical and certain character information in a highly visible format. This module is commonly used in digital clocks, counters, timers, and other projects where numerical data needs to be displayed. It communicates via a serial interface, making it compatible with microcontrollers like the Arduino UNO.

Explore Projects Built with OpenSegment

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Arduino UNO Controlled Seven-Segment Display
Image of 7 seg test - simulation: A project utilizing OpenSegment in a practical application
This circuit uses an Arduino UNO to control a seven-segment display. The Arduino sets pin D7 to HIGH and pin D6 to LOW, which correspond to the COM.1 and A pins of the display, respectively, to manage the display segments.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Arduino UNO Controlled Seven-Segment Display Counter
Image of Arduino Uno - Seven Segment Display (Sim-C): A project utilizing OpenSegment in a practical application
This circuit uses an Arduino UNO to control a seven-segment display, displaying digits from 0 to 9 with a one-second delay between each digit. The Arduino drives the segments of the common anode display by setting the corresponding pins to LOW, as defined in the provided sketch code.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Nucleo 401RE Dual 7-Segment Display Counter with User Button Control
Image of lll: A project utilizing OpenSegment in a practical application
This circuit consists of two Nucleo 401RE microcontrollers, each controlling a 7-segment display. The first microcontroller is programmed to count from 0 to 9 every second and display the count on its connected 7-segment display, while the second microcontroller is not performing any specific function as its code is empty.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Arduino UNO Controlled Seven Segment Display with Pushbutton Interaction
Image of ghghghghgh: A project utilizing OpenSegment in a practical application
This is a user-interactive circuit where an Arduino UNO microcontroller drives a seven-segment display and reads input from two pushbuttons. The display's segments are individually controlled by the Arduino, and the pushbuttons are set up to provide user input, potentially to change the displayed digit or trigger other actions.
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Explore Projects Built with OpenSegment

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of 7 seg test - simulation: A project utilizing OpenSegment in a practical application
Arduino UNO Controlled Seven-Segment Display
This circuit uses an Arduino UNO to control a seven-segment display. The Arduino sets pin D7 to HIGH and pin D6 to LOW, which correspond to the COM.1 and A pins of the display, respectively, to manage the display segments.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Arduino Uno - Seven Segment Display (Sim-C): A project utilizing OpenSegment in a practical application
Arduino UNO Controlled Seven-Segment Display Counter
This circuit uses an Arduino UNO to control a seven-segment display, displaying digits from 0 to 9 with a one-second delay between each digit. The Arduino drives the segments of the common anode display by setting the corresponding pins to LOW, as defined in the provided sketch code.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of lll: A project utilizing OpenSegment in a practical application
Nucleo 401RE Dual 7-Segment Display Counter with User Button Control
This circuit consists of two Nucleo 401RE microcontrollers, each controlling a 7-segment display. The first microcontroller is programmed to count from 0 to 9 every second and display the count on its connected 7-segment display, while the second microcontroller is not performing any specific function as its code is empty.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of ghghghghgh: A project utilizing OpenSegment in a practical application
Arduino UNO Controlled Seven Segment Display with Pushbutton Interaction
This is a user-interactive circuit where an Arduino UNO microcontroller drives a seven-segment display and reads input from two pushbuttons. The display's segments are individually controlled by the Arduino, and the pushbuttons are set up to provide user input, potentially to change the displayed digit or trigger other actions.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer

Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V to 5.5V
  • Maximum Current: 80mA (typical usage)
  • Display Color: Red (commonly available)
  • Communication: Serial (TTL compatible)
  • Baud Rate: Configurable (default 9600 bps)
  • Character Set: 0-9, A-F, and special characters
  • Brightness Control: Software adjustable

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Number Name Description
1 VCC Power supply (3.3V to 5.5V)
2 GND Ground connection
3 RX Serial receive pin
4 TX Serial transmit pin (not used in one-way communication)
5 RST Reset pin (active low)

Usage Instructions

Connecting to an Arduino UNO

  1. Connect the VCC pin of the OpenSegment to the 5V output on the Arduino.
  2. Connect the GND pin to one of the GND pins on the Arduino.
  3. Connect the RX pin of the OpenSegment to a digital pin on the Arduino (e.g., pin 2) set for serial communication.

Programming the Arduino

To communicate with the OpenSegment, you can use the Arduino's SoftwareSerial library to create a serial connection on any digital pins. Below is a simple example code that demonstrates how to send data to the OpenSegment display.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// RX, TX
SoftwareSerial openSegmentSerial(2, 3); // RX on digital pin 2, TX on digital pin 3 (not used)

void setup() {
  // Start serial communication with OpenSegment at default baud rate

void loop() {
  // Send a number to the display
  delay(1000); // Wait for a second
  // Send a hexadecimal number to the display
  delay(1000); // Wait for a second
  // Clear the display
  openSegmentSerial.write(0x76); // Send the clear display command
  delay(1000); // Wait for a second

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Always ensure that the power supply voltage and current ratings are within the specifications of the OpenSegment to prevent damage.
  • When sending serial data, ensure that the baud rate of the Arduino matches the configured baud rate of the OpenSegment.
  • Avoid blocking or long-delay functions in your code to maintain responsive display updates.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues

  • Display not lighting up: Check the power connections and ensure that the OpenSegment is receiving the correct voltage.
  • Garbled or incorrect characters: Verify that the baud rate of the Arduino matches the OpenSegment's baud rate. Also, check the serial connections.
  • Display flickers or is dim: Ensure that the current draw is within the module's limits and adjust the brightness settings if necessary.

Solutions and Tips for Troubleshooting

  • If the display is not responding, try resetting the OpenSegment using the RST pin.
  • For dim displays, send a command to increase brightness or check if the power supply can deliver sufficient current.
  • Always use a common ground between the OpenSegment and the Arduino to ensure reliable communication.


Q: Can I display letters on the OpenSegment? A: Yes, the OpenSegment can display numbers, hexadecimal characters (A-F), and some special characters.

Q: How do I change the baud rate of the OpenSegment? A: The baud rate can be changed using a specific command sequence, which is detailed in the OpenSegment's datasheet.

Q: Can I control multiple OpenSegments with one Arduino? A: Yes, you can control multiple displays by connecting their RX pins to different digital pins on the Arduino and creating multiple SoftwareSerial instances.

For further assistance or more advanced usage scenarios, please refer to the OpenSegment's datasheet or contact technical support.