VCC, an acronym for Voltage at the Collector terminal, is a term commonly used in electronic circuits to denote the positive supply voltage with respect to the common ground. It is a critical parameter in the design and operation of circuits, particularly in digital electronics and microcontroller applications. VCC is not a component itself but a label used to indicate the positive voltage supply rail in a circuit diagram.
Since VCC is a concept rather than a physical component, the technical specifications will vary depending on the requirements of the electronic device or circuit. Below are general guidelines for VCC specifications in various contexts.
Specification | Description |
Voltage Range | Typically ranges from 3.3V to 5V for logic ICs, and up to 12V or higher for power circuits. |
Current Rating | Depends on the total current consumption of the connected components. |
Power Rating | Determined by the product of the voltage and the maximum current draw. |
Q: Can I use a 9V battery for VCC? A: Yes, if the circuit components can operate at 9V. However, voltage regulation may be necessary to provide a stable VCC.
Q: What happens if VCC is too high? A: Exceeding the voltage rating of components can lead to permanent damage or failure.
Q: Is VCC the same as VDD? A: VCC and VDD are similar concepts but are used in different contexts. VCC is typically used for bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), while VDD is used for field-effect transistors (FETs) and CMOS technology.
// Define the VCC pin for Arduino UNO
const int VccPin = 5; // Assuming we use digital pin 5 as a VCC source
void setup() {
// Set the VccPin as OUTPUT to provide power
pinMode(VccPin, OUTPUT);
// Set the VccPin HIGH to supply 5V
digitalWrite(VccPin, HIGH);
void loop() {
// Your code here to interact with components powered by the VccPin
Note: The above code snippet demonstrates how to use an Arduino digital pin as a VCC source for low-power applications. Ensure that the current draw does not exceed the pin's maximum current rating (typically 20-40mA for Arduino UNO).