The SN74HC86N is a logic IC that contains four independent 2-input Exclusive OR (XOR) gates. This integrated circuit is designed by Texas Instruments (TI) and is commonly used in digital circuits for performing the XOR logical operation. The XOR gate is a digital logic gate that outputs true or high only when the inputs to the gate are different.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | 1A | Input A for Gate 1 |
2 | 1B | Input B for Gate 1 |
3 | 1Y | Output for Gate 1 |
4 | 2Y | Output for Gate 2 |
5 | 2A | Input A for Gate 2 |
6 | 2B | Input B for Gate 2 |
7 | GND | Ground (0 V) |
8 | 3B | Input B for Gate 3 |
9 | 3A | Input A for Gate 3 |
10 | 3Y | Output for Gate 3 |
11 | 4Y | Output for Gate 4 |
12 | 4A | Input A for Gate 4 |
13 | 4B | Input B for Gate 4 |
14 | Vcc | Positive Supply Voltage |
Q: Can I use the SN74HC86N at a supply voltage lower than 2 V? A: No, the IC may not function properly below the minimum specified supply voltage.
Q: What happens if I leave an input pin unconnected? A: An unconnected or floating input can pick up noise and cause unpredictable output. Always tie unused inputs to a defined logic level.
Q: Can I connect the outputs of two gates together? A: No, you should not directly connect the outputs of two gates as it can lead to contention and damage the IC.
The following example demonstrates how to use the SN74HC86N with an Arduino UNO to perform an XOR operation on two digital inputs and display the result on an LED.
// Define the input and output pins
const int inputPinA = 2; // Connect to 1A of SN74HC86N
const int inputPinB = 3; // Connect to 1B of SN74HC86N
const int outputPin = 13; // Connect to 1Y of SN74HC86N
void setup() {
// Set the input and output pin modes
pinMode(inputPinA, INPUT);
pinMode(inputPinB, INPUT);
pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read the state of the inputs
int stateA = digitalRead(inputPinA);
int stateB = digitalRead(inputPinB);
// Perform the XOR operation using the digital inputs
int xorResult = stateA ^ stateB;
// Write the result to the output pin
digitalWrite(outputPin, xorResult);
// Delay for a short period to debounce the inputs
Remember to connect the Arduino's GND to the SN74HC86N's GND pin, and the 5V pin to the Vcc pin of the SN74HC86N. The inputs (1A and 1B) should be connected to the Arduino's digital pins 2 and 3, respectively, and the output (1Y) to the digital pin 13 or any other digital pin you choose to use as an output.