The 74HC595 is an 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register with a storage register and 3-state outputs. It is part of the 74XX series of integrated circuits and is widely used in digital electronics for expanding the number of outputs using fewer pins from a microcontroller, such as an Arduino. This component is particularly useful for controlling multiple LEDs, display segments, or other digital output devices.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | Q1 | Serial Data Output |
2 | Q2 | Serial Data Output |
3 | Q3 | Serial Data Output |
4 | Q4 | Serial Data Output |
5 | Q5 | Serial Data Output |
6 | Q6 | Serial Data Output |
7 | Q7 | Serial Data Output |
8 | GND | Ground (0V) |
9 | Q7' | Serial Data Output for daisy-chaining |
10 | SRCLR | Shift Register Clear (Active Low) |
11 | SRCLK | Shift Register Clock Input |
12 | RCLK | Storage Register Clock Input |
13 | OE | Output Enable (Active Low) |
14 | SER | Serial Data Input |
15 | Q0 | Serial Data Output |
16 | Vcc | Positive Supply Voltage |
// Define the connections to the Arduino
const int dataPin = 2; // SER to Arduino pin 2
const int latchPin = 3; // RCLK to Arduino pin 3
const int clockPin = 4; // SRCLK to Arduino pin 4
void setup() {
// Set pins to output mode
pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Example: shift out the binary value '10101010'
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); // Prepare to latch data
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, 0b10101010);
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); // Latch data onto the outputs
delay(1000); // Wait for a second
Q: Can I drive high-power devices directly with the 74HC595? A: No, the 74HC595 can only source or sink a limited amount of current. Use a transistor or a driver IC for high-power applications.
Q: How many 74HC595s can I daisy-chain together? A: You can daisy-chain as many as you need, provided that the microcontroller can handle the timing and that the power supply can provide sufficient current for all connected devices.
Q: Is it necessary to use the OE pin? A: The OE pin is optional but useful for enabling or disabling the outputs without clearing the shift register. If not used, it should be tied to ground to enable the outputs.
Remember to follow all safety precautions when working with electronic components and ensure that all connections are secure before applying power to the circuit.