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How to Use FS-R6B 6H RECEIVER: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

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The FS-R6B 6H Receiver, manufactured by KEN, is a 6-channel receiver designed for use in radio-controlled models. It receives signals from a compatible transmitter and controls various functions such as throttle, steering, and other auxiliary controls. This receiver is commonly used in RC cars, boats, planes, and drones.

Explore Projects Built with FS-R6B 6H RECEIVER

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Battery-Powered Motor Control System with FlySky Receiver and Cytron Motor Driver
Image of Fighter: A project utilizing FS-R6B 6H RECEIVER in a practical application
The circuit is a motor control system that uses a FlySky FS-IA6 receiver to control four motors via a Cytron MDDS30 motor driver. The system is powered by a LiPo battery, and the receiver sends control signals to the motor driver, which then drives the motors accordingly.
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FLYSKY Controlled Dual Brushed Motor ESC Circuit with LiPo Battery
Image of Tout terrain: A project utilizing FS-R6B 6H RECEIVER in a practical application
This circuit is designed to control four DC motors using two electronic speed controllers (ESCs) that are interfaced with a FLYSKY FS-IA6 receiver. The receiver channels CH1 and CH2 are connected to the signal inputs of the ESCs, allowing for remote control of the motor speeds. Power is supplied to the ESCs and the receiver by a Lipo battery, and the ESCs distribute power to the motors.
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FTDI to UART Adapter with J26 Connector
Image of J26 CLOSEUP: A project utilizing FS-R6B 6H RECEIVER in a practical application
This circuit connects an FTDI USB-to-serial converter to a standard serial interface via a J26 connector. It facilitates serial communication by linking the ground, transmit, receive, data terminal ready, and request to send signals between the FTDI chip and the J26 connector.
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Battery-Powered RC Car with Massive RC MDEx and MDD10A Motor Driver
Image of Massive RC MDEx: A project utilizing FS-R6B 6H RECEIVER in a practical application
This circuit is a remote-controlled motor driver system powered by a LiPo battery. It uses a Massive RC MDEx microcontroller to control an MDD10A dual motor driver, which in turn drives two GM25 DC motors. The R6FG receiver receives remote control signals to manage the motor directions and speeds.
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Explore Projects Built with FS-R6B 6H RECEIVER

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of Fighter: A project utilizing FS-R6B 6H RECEIVER in a practical application
Battery-Powered Motor Control System with FlySky Receiver and Cytron Motor Driver
The circuit is a motor control system that uses a FlySky FS-IA6 receiver to control four motors via a Cytron MDDS30 motor driver. The system is powered by a LiPo battery, and the receiver sends control signals to the motor driver, which then drives the motors accordingly.
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Image of Tout terrain: A project utilizing FS-R6B 6H RECEIVER in a practical application
FLYSKY Controlled Dual Brushed Motor ESC Circuit with LiPo Battery
This circuit is designed to control four DC motors using two electronic speed controllers (ESCs) that are interfaced with a FLYSKY FS-IA6 receiver. The receiver channels CH1 and CH2 are connected to the signal inputs of the ESCs, allowing for remote control of the motor speeds. Power is supplied to the ESCs and the receiver by a Lipo battery, and the ESCs distribute power to the motors.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of J26 CLOSEUP: A project utilizing FS-R6B 6H RECEIVER in a practical application
FTDI to UART Adapter with J26 Connector
This circuit connects an FTDI USB-to-serial converter to a standard serial interface via a J26 connector. It facilitates serial communication by linking the ground, transmit, receive, data terminal ready, and request to send signals between the FTDI chip and the J26 connector.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Massive RC MDEx: A project utilizing FS-R6B 6H RECEIVER in a practical application
Battery-Powered RC Car with Massive RC MDEx and MDD10A Motor Driver
This circuit is a remote-controlled motor driver system powered by a LiPo battery. It uses a Massive RC MDEx microcontroller to control an MDD10A dual motor driver, which in turn drives two GM25 DC motors. The R6FG receiver receives remote control signals to manage the motor directions and speeds.
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Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

Specification Value
Manufacturer KEN
Channels 6
Operating Voltage 4.8V - 6.0V
Operating Current ≤30mA
Frequency Range 2.4GHz
Modulation Type GFSK
Dimensions 35mm x 22mm x 12mm
Weight 10g
Antenna Length 26mm

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Number Pin Name Description
1 CH1 Channel 1 Signal Output
2 CH2 Channel 2 Signal Output
3 CH3 Channel 3 Signal Output
4 CH4 Channel 4 Signal Output
5 CH5 Channel 5 Signal Output
6 CH6 Channel 6 Signal Output
7 VCC Power Supply (4.8V - 6.0V)
8 GND Ground

Usage Instructions

How to Use the Component in a Circuit

  1. Power Supply: Connect the VCC pin to a power source within the range of 4.8V to 6.0V. Connect the GND pin to the ground of the power source.
  2. Signal Connections: Connect the signal pins (CH1 to CH6) to the corresponding control inputs of your RC model's servos, ESCs, or other control devices.
  3. Antenna: Ensure the antenna is properly positioned to receive signals from the transmitter without obstruction.

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Power Supply: Ensure the power supply voltage is within the specified range to avoid damaging the receiver.
  • Signal Interference: Keep the receiver away from high-power electronics to minimize signal interference.
  • Antenna Positioning: Position the antenna in a way that maximizes signal reception and minimizes obstructions.
  • Binding: Follow the binding procedure specific to your transmitter to ensure proper communication with the receiver.

Example: Connecting to an Arduino UNO

To use the FS-R6B 6H Receiver with an Arduino UNO, you can connect the signal pins to the digital input pins of the Arduino. Below is an example code to read the signal from Channel 1 and print the pulse width to the Serial Monitor.

// FS-R6B 6H Receiver - Arduino UNO Example
// Connect CH1 to Arduino pin 2

const int ch1Pin = 2; // Channel 1 signal pin
unsigned long pulseWidth;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication
  pinMode(ch1Pin, INPUT); // Set CH1 pin as input

void loop() {
  pulseWidth = pulseIn(ch1Pin, HIGH); // Read pulse width from CH1
  Serial.print("CH1 Pulse Width: ");
  Serial.println(pulseWidth); // Print pulse width to Serial Monitor
  delay(100); // Delay for readability

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues Users Might Face

  1. No Signal Reception: The receiver is not receiving signals from the transmitter.
  2. Intermittent Signal: The signal is received intermittently, causing erratic control.
  3. Power Issues: The receiver does not power on or resets frequently.

Solutions and Tips for Troubleshooting

  1. No Signal Reception:

    • Ensure the transmitter and receiver are properly bound.
    • Check the antenna positioning and ensure it is not obstructed.
    • Verify the transmitter is powered on and within range.
  2. Intermittent Signal:

    • Check for sources of interference and move the receiver away from high-power electronics.
    • Ensure the power supply is stable and within the specified voltage range.
  3. Power Issues:

    • Verify the power supply voltage is within the 4.8V to 6.0V range.
    • Check the connections to the VCC and GND pins for any loose or faulty wiring.


Q: Can I use the FS-R6B 6H Receiver with any 2.4GHz transmitter? A: The receiver is compatible with transmitters that use the same modulation type (GFSK) and frequency range (2.4GHz). Ensure your transmitter is compatible before use.

Q: How do I bind the receiver to my transmitter? A: Follow the binding procedure specific to your transmitter model. Typically, this involves powering on the receiver while holding a bind button or using a bind plug.

Q: What is the maximum range of the FS-R6B 6H Receiver? A: The maximum range depends on the transmitter and environmental conditions. Typically, it can range from 100 meters to several hundred meters in open areas.

Q: Can I use the receiver with a different power supply voltage? A: No, the receiver should only be used with a power supply voltage within the specified range of 4.8V to 6.0V to avoid damage.

This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to using the FS-R6B 6H Receiver. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, following these instructions and best practices will help you achieve optimal performance in your radio-controlled models.