The Adafruit nRF8001 Breakout is a versatile and user-friendly Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module that enables wireless communication between microcontrollers and BLE-enabled devices such as smartphones and tablets. This breakout board is designed to make it easy to integrate BLE functionality into your projects without requiring extensive knowledge of Bluetooth technology.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | VIN | Supply voltage (3.3V - 12V DC) |
2 | GND | Ground |
3 | REQ | SPI Chip Select / Request |
4 | RDY | Ready pin, indicates data is available from nRF8001 |
5 | RST | Reset pin |
6 | SCK | SPI Clock |
7 | MOSI | SPI Master Out Slave In |
8 | MISO | SPI Master In Slave Out |
9 | ACT | Activity pin, indicates the radio is active |
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_BLE_UART.h>
// Connect REQ to pin 10, RDY to pin 2, RST to pin 9
Adafruit_BLE_UART BTLESerial = Adafruit_BLE_UART(10, 2, 9);
void setup() {
void loop() {
// If there's data available from the BLE module
if (BTLESerial.available()) {
char c =;
// If there's data available from the serial monitor
if (Serial.available()) {
char c =;
Q: Can the nRF8001 Breakout be used with a 5V microcontroller? A: Yes, but ensure that the I/O pins are 5V tolerant or use level shifters to prevent damage to the module.
Q: What is the maximum range of the nRF8001 Breakout? A: The maximum range is approximately 60 feet (18 meters) in open space, but this can be reduced by obstacles and interference.
Q: Can I use the nRF8001 Breakout for streaming audio? A: No, the nRF8001 is designed for BLE and is not suitable for streaming audio. It is intended for low-bandwidth applications such as sensor data or control commands.