The Adafruit 1.2 Inch 8x8 LED Matrix Backpack Pure Green is a compact and versatile module designed for displaying graphical information in a simple and eye-catching way. This LED matrix is perfect for creating displays for counters, clocks, games, and various other applications where visual output is needed. The backpack simplifies the process of controlling multiple LEDs by consolidating the necessary circuitry into a single, easy-to-use package.
Pin | Description |
VCC | Connect to 5V power supply |
GND | Connect to ground |
SDA | I2C Data Line |
SCL | I2C Clock Line |
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h>
Adafruit_8x8matrix matrix = Adafruit_8x8matrix();
void setup() {
matrix.begin(0x70); // Initialize the matrix with its I2C address
matrix.setBrightness(10); // Set brightness level (0 is dim, 15 is bright)
void loop() {
matrix.clear(); // Clear the matrix display
matrix.drawPixel(4, 4, LED_ON); // Turn on a single LED (x=4, y=4)
matrix.writeDisplay(); // Update the display with the changes
delay(500); // Wait for half a second
matrix.clear(); // Clear the display again
matrix.writeDisplay(); // Update the display
delay(500); // Wait for half a second
Q: Can I use this LED matrix with a 3.3V microcontroller? A: Yes, but ensure that the logic levels are compatible, and you may need level shifters for the I2C lines.
Q: How do I change the I2C address? A: Solder or desolder the jumpers on the back of the module to set the address you want.
Q: Can I daisy-chain multiple matrices? A: Yes, you can connect multiple matrices in series, but each must have a unique I2C address.
For further assistance, consult the Adafruit support forums or the product's FAQ section on the Adafruit website.