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How to Use Adafruit PWM Servo Featherwing: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

Image of Adafruit PWM Servo Featherwing
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The Adafruit PWM Servo FeatherWing is an add-on board designed for use with the Feather ecosystem of development boards. It utilizes the PCA9685 PWM driver to control up to 8 servos, making it an ideal choice for robotics, animatronics, and any project requiring precise motion control. The board's ability to drive multiple servos with a single I2C interface simplifies wiring and conserves valuable GPIO pins on the Feather host board.

Explore Projects Built with Adafruit PWM Servo Featherwing

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Arduino Mega 2560 Controlled Servo Motor with IR Remote and PWM Control
Image of project: A project utilizing Adafruit PWM Servo Featherwing in a practical application
This circuit consists of an Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller interfaced with an Adafruit PCA9685 PWM Servo Breakout to control a servo motor. The Arduino communicates with the PWM breakout via I2C (SDA and SCL lines) and provides power and ground connections. The PWM breakout then controls the servo motor by providing the necessary pulse signals.
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16-Channel Servo Controller with Adafruit PCA9685
Image of my first project: A project utilizing Adafruit PWM Servo Featherwing in a practical application
This circuit consists of an Adafruit PCA9685 PWM Servo Breakout board connected to multiple MG995 servomotors. The PCA9685 board is used to provide PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signals to control the position of each servomotor. Power (5V and GND) is distributed from the PCA9685 to all servomotors, and individual PWM outputs from the PCA9685 are connected to the signal inputs of the servomotors, allowing for independent control of each servomotor's angle or speed.
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Arduino Nano and PCA9685 PWM Servo Controller for Multi-Servo Robotic Arm
Image of BRAZOS_CABEZA: A project utilizing Adafruit PWM Servo Featherwing in a practical application
This circuit uses an Arduino Nano to control multiple servos via an Adafruit PCA9685 PWM Servo Breakout. The servos are powered by a 5V power supply, and the Arduino communicates with the PWM breakout over I2C to send control signals to the servos.
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Bluetooth-Controlled Robotic Arm with Arduino and PCA9685
Image of Robot: A project utilizing Adafruit PWM Servo Featherwing in a practical application
This circuit uses an Arduino UNO to control three micro servos via Bluetooth commands received from an HC-05 Bluetooth module. The Adafruit PCA9685 PWM Servo Breakout is used to drive the servos, and their positions are updated based on Bluetooth data and a flex sensor reading.
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Explore Projects Built with Adafruit PWM Servo Featherwing

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of project: A project utilizing Adafruit PWM Servo Featherwing in a practical application
Arduino Mega 2560 Controlled Servo Motor with IR Remote and PWM Control
This circuit consists of an Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller interfaced with an Adafruit PCA9685 PWM Servo Breakout to control a servo motor. The Arduino communicates with the PWM breakout via I2C (SDA and SCL lines) and provides power and ground connections. The PWM breakout then controls the servo motor by providing the necessary pulse signals.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of my first project: A project utilizing Adafruit PWM Servo Featherwing in a practical application
16-Channel Servo Controller with Adafruit PCA9685
This circuit consists of an Adafruit PCA9685 PWM Servo Breakout board connected to multiple MG995 servomotors. The PCA9685 board is used to provide PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signals to control the position of each servomotor. Power (5V and GND) is distributed from the PCA9685 to all servomotors, and individual PWM outputs from the PCA9685 are connected to the signal inputs of the servomotors, allowing for independent control of each servomotor's angle or speed.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of BRAZOS_CABEZA: A project utilizing Adafruit PWM Servo Featherwing in a practical application
Arduino Nano and PCA9685 PWM Servo Controller for Multi-Servo Robotic Arm
This circuit uses an Arduino Nano to control multiple servos via an Adafruit PCA9685 PWM Servo Breakout. The servos are powered by a 5V power supply, and the Arduino communicates with the PWM breakout over I2C to send control signals to the servos.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Robot: A project utilizing Adafruit PWM Servo Featherwing in a practical application
Bluetooth-Controlled Robotic Arm with Arduino and PCA9685
This circuit uses an Arduino UNO to control three micro servos via Bluetooth commands received from an HC-05 Bluetooth module. The Adafruit PCA9685 PWM Servo Breakout is used to drive the servos, and their positions are updated based on Bluetooth data and a flex sensor reading.
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Common Applications and Use Cases

  • Robotics arms and legs
  • Animatronic figures
  • Automated art installations
  • Remote-controlled vehicles
  • Prototyping and educational projects

Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

  • Voltage: 3V to 5V logic and power
  • Current: 6mA (typical) when not driving servos
  • Output Channels: 8 PWM outputs
  • Frequency: 40Hz to 1000Hz adjustable PWM frequency
  • Resolution: 12-bit resolution for each channel

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Number Function Description
1 GND Ground
2 V+ Servo power supply (5V-6V recommended)
3-10 PWM 0 to PWM 7 PWM output to control servo position
11 SCL I2C clock line
12 SDA I2C data line
13 ADDR Address selection for I2C (solder jumper)
14 IRQ Interrupt request (not used in most applications)

Usage Instructions

How to Use the Component in a Circuit

  1. Powering the Board:

    • Connect a 5V-6V power supply to the V+ and GND pins to power the servos.
    • Ensure the Feather board is powered separately as per its requirements.
  2. Connecting Servos:

    • Attach the servo's power cable to the V+ and GND pins.
    • Connect the servo's control wire to one of the PWM output pins (PWM 0 to PWM 7).
  3. I2C Communication:

    • Connect the SCL and SDA pins to the corresponding I2C pins on the Feather board.
    • If using multiple FeatherWings, set unique I2C addresses using the ADDR pin.

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Do not exceed the recommended voltage for the servos to prevent damage.
  • Ensure that the power supply can handle the current draw of all connected servos.
  • Use external power when driving multiple or high-power servos to avoid overloading the Feather board's voltage regulator.
  • Always disconnect power before making or changing connections.

Example Code for Arduino UNO

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>

// Initialize the PCA9685 using the default address (0x40).
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver();

void setup() {
  Serial.println("8-channel PWM test!");

  pwm.setPWMFreq(60);  // Set frequency to 60 Hz

void loop() {
  // Sweep each servo back and forth
  for (uint16_t pulselen = SERVOMIN; pulselen < SERVOMAX; pulselen++) {
    pwm.setPWM(0, 0, pulselen);

  for (uint16_t pulselen = SERVOMAX; pulselen > SERVOMIN; pulselen--) {
    pwm.setPWM(0, 0, pulselen);


// Depending on your servo make, the pulse width min and max may vary
#define SERVOMIN  150 // This is the 'minimum' pulse length count (out of 4096)
#define SERVOMAX  600 // This is the 'maximum' pulse length count (out of 4096)

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues

  • Servos not responding: Check power connections and ensure the power supply is adequate.
  • Jittery servo movement: This can be due to a low-quality power supply or interference on the I2C line.
  • I2C communication errors: Ensure there are no address conflicts and that the SDA/SCL lines are connected properly.

Solutions and Tips for Troubleshooting

  • Use a multimeter to verify power supply voltage and servo connections.
  • If using long wires for I2C communication, add pull-up resistors to reduce interference.
  • Check and re-solder any loose connections or cold solder joints.


Q: Can I control more than 8 servos with this board? A: Yes, by stacking multiple FeatherWings and setting unique I2C addresses, you can control additional servos.

Q: What is the maximum number of boards I can stack? A: You can stack up to 62 boards for a total of 496 servos, limited by the number of available I2C addresses.

Q: Can I use this board with other microcontrollers besides the Feather? A: Yes, as long as the microcontroller supports I2C communication and operates at 3V to 5V logic levels.

Q: Do I need to install any libraries to use this board with an Arduino? A: Yes, you will need to install the Adafruit_PWMServoDriver library available through the Arduino Library Manager.