The Serial LCD Kit is a versatile and user-friendly module that enables the display of alphanumeric characters on an LCD. It incorporates a built-in controller, which simplifies the process of interfacing with various microcontrollers, including the popular Arduino platform. This module is commonly used in DIY electronics projects, hobbyist applications, and educational purposes to provide a visual output for data or user interface.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | VCC | Power supply (5V) |
2 | GND | Ground connection |
3 | RX | Serial receive pin |
4 | TX | Serial transmit pin (not always used) |
5 | BL | Backlight control (optional) |
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// Initialize the software serial connection
SoftwareSerial serialLCD(10, 11); // RX, TX
void setup() {
// Set the baud rate for the serial connection
// Clear the screen
void loop() {
// Send a string to the LCD
serialLCD.write("Hello, World!");
// Wait for a while
// Clear the screen before the next message
// Send another string to the LCD
serialLCD.write("Serial LCD Kit");
// Wait again
Note: The SoftwareSerial
library is used to create a serial communication on digital pins 10 and 11, where pin 10 is defined as RX and pin 11 as TX. However, only the TX pin from Arduino is connected to the RX pin of the Serial LCD Kit.
Q: Can I use the Serial LCD Kit with a 3.3V system? A: It depends on the specific model of the Serial LCD Kit. Some may work at 3.3V, but level shifting may be required for proper operation.
Q: How do I adjust the contrast of the display? A: Contrast is typically adjusted via a potentiometer on the back of the LCD module. Turn the potentiometer until the desired contrast is achieved.
Q: Can I display custom characters or graphics? A: The Serial LCD Kit usually supports custom characters. Refer to the specific controller datasheet for instructions on how to create and display them.