The TMP007 Thermopile Sensor is a sophisticated non-contact temperature measurement device that captures infrared energy emitted from objects without requiring physical contact. This sensor is ideal for a variety of applications, including but not limited to, consumer electronics, industrial process control, HVAC systems, and thermal imaging. Its ability to measure temperature from a distance makes it a versatile component for projects that require thermal monitoring.
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | VDD | Power supply (2.5V to 5.5V) |
2 | GND | Ground reference for the power supply |
3 | SDA | I2C Data line |
4 | SCL | I2C Clock line |
5 | ADD0 | Address select pin 0 |
6 | ADD1 | Address select pin 1 |
7 | DRDY | Data ready output (optional use) |
8 | INT | Interrupt output (optional use) |
#include <Wire.h>
// TMP007 I2C address is 0x40(64) by default
#define Addr 0x40
void setup() {
// Initialise I2C communication as MASTER
// Initialise serial communication, set baud rate = 9600
// Start I2C Transmission
// Select configuration register
// Continuous conversion mode, Comparator mode
// Stop I2C Transmission
void loop() {
unsigned int data[2];
// Start I2C Transmission
// Select data register
// Stop I2C Transmission
// Request 2 bytes of data
Wire.requestFrom(Addr, 2);
// Read 2 bytes of data
// temp msb, temp lsb
if (Wire.available() == 2) {
data[0] =;
data[1] =;
// Convert the data to 14-bits
int temp = ((data[0] * 256) + (data[1] & 0xFC)) / 4;
float cTemp = temp * 0.03125;
float fTemp = cTemp * 1.8 + 32;
// Output data to serial monitor
Serial.print("Object Temperature in Celsius : ");
Serial.println(" C");
Serial.print("Object Temperature in Fahrenheit : ");
Serial.println(" F");
Q: Can the TMP007 sensor measure the temperature of liquids? A: The TMP007 is designed for non-contact temperature measurements, primarily of solid surfaces. It may not provide accurate readings for liquids due to their varying emissivity and transparency.
Q: How can I change the I2C address of the TMP007? A: The I2C address can be changed by connecting the ADD0 and ADD1 pins to either VDD or GND to form the combinations corresponding to the desired address.
Q: What is the field of view of the TMP007 sensor? A: The TMP007 has a typical field of view of approximately 90 degrees. Ensure that the target object is within this area for accurate measurements.
Q: Is calibration required for the TMP007 sensor? A: The TMP007 comes factory-calibrated. However, for critical applications, you may perform additional calibration to account for systematic errors specific to your application's environment.
For further assistance, consult the TMP007 datasheet or contact technical support.