A 7-segment display is an electronic display device that consists of seven individual segments arranged in a rectangular fashion to represent numbers and some letters. Each segment is an LED or a series of LEDs that can be illuminated independently. The 4-digit 7-segment display is essentially four individual 7-segment displays that are connected together so that they can display values from 0000 to 9999. These displays are commonly used in digital clocks, electronic meters, and other devices that require numerical output to be shown to a user.
Pin Number | Function | Description |
1 | Digit 1 (Common Anode/Cathode) | Controls the first digit (leftmost) |
2 | Segment E | Controls the middle segment on the left side |
3 | Segment D | Controls the bottom segment |
4 | Digit 2 (Common Anode/Cathode) | Controls the second digit |
5 | Segment C | Controls the middle segment on the right side |
6 | Decimal Point 1 | Controls the decimal point after first digit |
7 | Decimal Point 2 | Controls the decimal point after second digit |
8 | Ground/Common Anode/Cathode | Common ground or power depending on type |
9 | Decimal Point 3 | Controls the decimal point after third digit |
10 | Segment G | Controls the middle horizontal segment |
11 | Segment F | Controls the top segment on the left side |
12 | Digit 3 (Common Anode/Cathode) | Controls the third digit |
13 | Segment B | Controls the top segment on the right side |
14 | Segment A | Controls the top horizontal segment |
15 | Decimal Point 4 | Controls the decimal point after fourth digit |
16 | Digit 4 (Common Anode/Cathode) | Controls the fourth digit (rightmost) |
// Define the Arduino pins connected to the segments
const int segA = 2;
const int segB = 3;
const int segC = 4;
const int segD = 5;
const int segE = 6;
const int segF = 7;
const int segG = 8;
// Define the Arduino pins connected to the digit control pins
const int digit1 = 9;
const int digit2 = 10;
const int digit3 = 11;
const int digit4 = 12;
void setup() {
// Set all the segment and digit control pins as outputs
for (int pin = 2; pin <= 12; pin++) {
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
// Assuming a common anode display, turn off all segments
void loop() {
// Example: Display the number 1234
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
void displayNumber(int number) {
// Break down the number into individual digits
int thousands = (number / 1000) % 10;
int hundreds = (number / 100) % 10;
int tens = (number / 10) % 10;
int ones = number % 10;
// Display each digit for a short time to create the illusion of a static display
displayDigit(thousands, digit1);
displayDigit(hundreds, digit2);
displayDigit(tens, digit3);
displayDigit(ones, digit4);
void displayDigit(int digit, int digitPin) {
// Turn off all digits
digitalWrite(digit1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(digit2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(digit3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(digit4, HIGH);
// Turn on the appropriate segments for this digit
switch (digit) {
case 0: writeSegments(B11111100); break;
case 1: writeSegments(B01100000); break;
case 2: writeSegments(B11011010); break;
case 3: writeSegments(B11110010); break;
case 4: writeSegments(B01100110); break;
case 5: writeSegments(B10110110); break;
case 6: writeSegments(B10111110); break;
case 7: writeSegments(B11100000); break;
case 8: writeSegments(B11111110); break;
case 9: writeSegments(B11110110); break;
// Turn on this digit
digitalWrite(digitPin, LOW);
void writeSegments(byte segments) {
// Write each segment pin HIGH or LOW based on the byte pattern
digitalWrite(segA, segments & B10000000 ? LOW : HIGH);
digitalWrite(segB, segments & B01000000 ? LOW : HIGH);
digitalWrite(segC, segments & B00100000 ? LOW : HIGH);
digitalWrite(segD, segments & B00010000 ? LOW : HIGH);
digitalWrite(segE, segments & B00001000 ? LOW : HIGH);
digitalWrite(segF, segments & B00000100 ? LOW : HIGH);
digitalWrite(segG, segments & B00000010 ? LOW : HIGH);
void clearDisplay() {
// Turn off all segments
// Turn off all digits
digitalWrite(digit1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(digit2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(digit3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(digit4, HIGH);
Q: Can I use a 5V supply with a 3.3V 7-segment display? A: Yes, but you must use appropriate current-limiting resistors to prevent damage.
Q: How can I display letters on the 7-segment display? A: Some letters can be approximated using the segments (e.g., 'A' can be displayed using segments A, B, C, E, F, G), but not all letters can be represented due to the limited number of segments.
Q: Can I control multiple 7-segment displays with one Arduino? A: Yes, you can control multiple displays using multiplexing or by using shift registers to expand the number of available output pins.