The CD4077B is a CMOS Quad Exclusive-OR and NOR Gate integrated circuit. It is composed of four independent Exclusive-OR/NOR gates, each capable of performing the logical "exclusive OR" and "NOR" function. This IC is commonly used in digital circuits for logic operations, where it allows for the comparison of binary inputs and the generation of a true output only when inputs differ (in the case of XOR) or are both false (in the case of NOR).
Pin Number | Name | Description |
1 | Q1 | XOR/NOR Gate 1 Output |
2 | A1 | XOR/NOR Gate 1 Input A |
3 | B1 | XOR/NOR Gate 1 Input B |
4 | Q2 | XOR/NOR Gate 2 Output |
5 | A2 | XOR/NOR Gate 2 Input A |
6 | B2 | XOR/NOR Gate 2 Input B |
7 | GND | Ground (0V) |
8 | Q3 | XOR/NOR Gate 3 Output |
9 | A3 | XOR/NOR Gate 3 Input A |
10 | B3 | XOR/NOR Gate 3 Input B |
11 | Q4 | XOR/NOR Gate 4 Output |
12 | A4 | XOR/NOR Gate 4 Input A |
13 | B4 | XOR/NOR Gate 4 Input B |
14 | V_DD | Positive Supply Voltage |
Power Supply Connection: Connect pin 14 (V_DD) to the positive supply voltage, which can range from 3V to 18V. Connect pin 7 (GND) to the ground of the circuit.
Input Connection: Apply the digital signals to be compared to the A and B inputs of the respective gates. Ensure that the input voltage levels are compatible with the logic levels of the CD4077B.
Output Connection: The outputs (Q1 to Q4) can be connected to other digital ICs, microcontrollers, or LEDs with appropriate current-limiting resistors.
Bypass Capacitor: It is good practice to place a 0.1µF bypass capacitor between V_DD and GND near the IC to filter out noise.
Q: Can the CD4077B be used with a microcontroller like an Arduino? A: Yes, the CD4077B can interface with microcontrollers. Ensure that the logic levels are compatible.
Q: Is the CD4077B susceptible to static discharge? A: As a CMOS device, it is sensitive to static discharge. Proper handling and ESD precautions are necessary.
Q: Can I use the CD4077B for analog signal switching? A: The CD4077B is designed for digital signals. For analog signal switching, consider using an analog switch IC.
Below is an example of how to use the CD4077B with an Arduino UNO to compare two digital inputs and light up an LED when the inputs are different (XOR function).
// Define the input and output pins
const int inputPinA = 2;
const int inputPinB = 3;
const int outputPin = 13; // Built-in LED on Arduino
void setup() {
pinMode(inputPinA, INPUT);
pinMode(inputPinB, INPUT);
pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read the digital inputs
int inputA = digitalRead(inputPinA);
int inputB = digitalRead(inputPinB);
// Perform the XOR operation
int result = inputA ^ inputB;
// Set the output LED
digitalWrite(outputPin, result);
Remember to connect the Arduino pins to the corresponding inputs of the CD4077B and the output to the LED with a current-limiting resistor.