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How to Use DM13A: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

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The DM13A is a versatile 16-channel constant current LED driver designed to control multiple LEDs in electronic displays and lighting applications. It ensures consistent brightness across all LEDs by providing a constant current, regardless of variations in supply voltage or LED forward voltage. This makes it an ideal choice for applications such as LED matrices, signage, and decorative lighting.

Explore Projects Built with DM13A

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Arduino Mega 2560 Controlled Motor System with I2C Communication and Hall Effect Sensing
Image of Uni1: A project utilizing DM13A in a practical application
This is a motor control system with feedback and sensor integration. It uses an Arduino Mega 2560 to control MD03 motor drivers for DC motors, receives position and speed feedback from HEDS encoders and Hall sensors, and measures distance with SR02 ultrasonic sensors. Logic level converters ensure compatibility between different voltage levels of the components.
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Battery-Powered Sumo Robot with IR Sensors and DC Motors
Image of MASSIVE SUMO AUTO BOARD: A project utilizing DM13A in a practical application
This circuit is designed for a robotic system, featuring a Massive Sumo Board as the central controller. It integrates multiple FS-80NK diffuse IR sensors and IR line sensors for obstacle detection and line following, respectively, and controls two GM25 DC motors via MD13s motor drivers for movement. Power is supplied by an 11.1V LiPo battery.
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ESP32-Based Wi-Fi Controlled Laser Shooting Game with OLED Display
Image of 123: A project utilizing DM13A in a practical application
This circuit is a laser shooting game controlled by a PS3 controller, featuring an ESP32 microcontroller, two photosensitive sensors for light detection, and a motor driver to control two DC motors. The game includes an OLED display for score visualization, and a MOSFET to control an LED bulb, with power supplied by a 12V battery and regulated by a DC-DC step-down converter.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Digital Logic State Indicator with Flip-Flops and Logic Gates
Image of 2-bit Gray Code Counter: A project utilizing DM13A in a practical application
This circuit is a digital logic system that uses a DIP switch to provide input to a network of flip-flops and logic gates, which process the input signals. The output of this processing is likely indicated by LEDs, which are connected through resistors to limit current. The circuit functions autonomously without a microcontroller, relying on the inherent properties of the digital components to perform its logic operations.
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Explore Projects Built with DM13A

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of Uni1: A project utilizing DM13A in a practical application
Arduino Mega 2560 Controlled Motor System with I2C Communication and Hall Effect Sensing
This is a motor control system with feedback and sensor integration. It uses an Arduino Mega 2560 to control MD03 motor drivers for DC motors, receives position and speed feedback from HEDS encoders and Hall sensors, and measures distance with SR02 ultrasonic sensors. Logic level converters ensure compatibility between different voltage levels of the components.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of MASSIVE SUMO AUTO BOARD: A project utilizing DM13A in a practical application
Battery-Powered Sumo Robot with IR Sensors and DC Motors
This circuit is designed for a robotic system, featuring a Massive Sumo Board as the central controller. It integrates multiple FS-80NK diffuse IR sensors and IR line sensors for obstacle detection and line following, respectively, and controls two GM25 DC motors via MD13s motor drivers for movement. Power is supplied by an 11.1V LiPo battery.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of 123: A project utilizing DM13A in a practical application
ESP32-Based Wi-Fi Controlled Laser Shooting Game with OLED Display
This circuit is a laser shooting game controlled by a PS3 controller, featuring an ESP32 microcontroller, two photosensitive sensors for light detection, and a motor driver to control two DC motors. The game includes an OLED display for score visualization, and a MOSFET to control an LED bulb, with power supplied by a 12V battery and regulated by a DC-DC step-down converter.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of 2-bit Gray Code Counter: A project utilizing DM13A in a practical application
Digital Logic State Indicator with Flip-Flops and Logic Gates
This circuit is a digital logic system that uses a DIP switch to provide input to a network of flip-flops and logic gates, which process the input signals. The output of this processing is likely indicated by LEDs, which are connected through resistors to limit current. The circuit functions autonomously without a microcontroller, relying on the inherent properties of the digital components to perform its logic operations.
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Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

Parameter Value
Supply Voltage 3.3V to 5.5V
Output Current 5mA to 60mA (programmable)
Output Channels 16
Data Transfer Rate Up to 25 MHz
Package SOP-24, SSOP-24
Operating Temperature -40°C to +85°C

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin No. Pin Name Description
1 GND Ground
2 SDI Serial Data Input
3 CLK Clock Input
4 LE Latch Enable
5 OUT0 Output Channel 0
6 OUT1 Output Channel 1
7 OUT2 Output Channel 2
8 OUT3 Output Channel 3
9 OUT4 Output Channel 4
10 OUT5 Output Channel 5
11 OUT6 Output Channel 6
12 OUT7 Output Channel 7
13 OUT8 Output Channel 8
14 OUT9 Output Channel 9
15 OUT10 Output Channel 10
16 OUT11 Output Channel 11
17 OUT12 Output Channel 12
18 OUT13 Output Channel 13
19 OUT14 Output Channel 14
20 OUT15 Output Channel 15
21 VDD Supply Voltage
22 R-EXT External Resistor for Current Setting
23 SDO Serial Data Output
24 OE Output Enable

Usage Instructions

How to Use the DM13A in a Circuit

  1. Power Supply: Connect the VDD pin to a 3.3V to 5.5V power supply and the GND pin to ground.
  2. Current Setting: Connect an external resistor between the R-EXT pin and ground to set the desired output current. The value of the resistor determines the current through each LED.
  3. Data Input: Connect the SDI pin to the microcontroller's data output pin. The CLK pin should be connected to the microcontroller's clock output pin.
  4. Latch Enable: Connect the LE pin to a microcontroller pin to latch the data into the output registers.
  5. Output Enable: Connect the OE pin to ground to enable the outputs. Pulling this pin high will disable the outputs.
  6. LED Connections: Connect the anodes of the LEDs to the supply voltage and the cathodes to the respective OUTx pins.

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Current Limiting: Ensure the external resistor is correctly calculated to prevent overdriving the LEDs.
  • Heat Dissipation: Proper heat sinking may be required if driving high currents to prevent overheating.
  • Decoupling Capacitors: Place decoupling capacitors close to the VDD pin to filter out noise and stabilize the power supply.

Example Circuit with Arduino UNO

#include <SPI.h>

const int latchPin = 10; // Pin connected to LE of DM13A
const int dataPin = 11;  // Pin connected to SDI of DM13A
const int clockPin = 13; // Pin connected to CLK of DM13A

void setup() {
  pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); // Begin data transfer
  SPI.transfer(0xFF);          // Send data to turn on all LEDs
  digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);// Latch data into DM13A
  delay(1000);                 // Wait for 1 second

  digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); // Begin data transfer
  SPI.transfer(0x00);          // Send data to turn off all LEDs
  digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);// Latch data into DM13A
  delay(1000);                 // Wait for 1 second

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues and Solutions

  1. LEDs Not Lighting Up:

    • Check Connections: Ensure all connections are secure and correct.
    • Power Supply: Verify the power supply voltage is within the specified range.
    • Current Setting: Ensure the external resistor is correctly calculated and connected.
  2. Inconsistent Brightness:

    • Current Setting: Verify the external resistor value to ensure consistent current.
    • Power Supply Stability: Use decoupling capacitors to stabilize the power supply.
  3. Overheating:

    • Current Limiting: Ensure the current through each LED is within the specified range.
    • Heat Dissipation: Use proper heat sinking if driving high currents.


  • Q: Can I daisy-chain multiple DM13A drivers?

    • A: Yes, you can connect the SDO pin of one DM13A to the SDI pin of the next to daisy-chain multiple drivers.
  • Q: How do I calculate the external resistor value for current setting?

    • A: The resistor value (R-EXT) can be calculated using the formula: Iout = 1.24V / R-EXT, where Iout is the desired output current.
  • Q: What is the maximum data transfer rate?

    • A: The DM13A supports data transfer rates up to 25 MHz.

By following this documentation, users can effectively integrate the DM13A 16-channel constant current LED driver into their projects, ensuring reliable and consistent LED control.