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How to Use Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

Image of Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter
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The Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter is a versatile and user-friendly interface board designed to connect the Wii Nunchuck controller to microcontroller projects. This adapter simplifies the process of tapping into the Nunchuck's accelerometer, joystick, and button inputs, making it an ideal choice for hobbyists and developers looking to incorporate intuitive control into their electronic creations. Common applications include robotics, gaming interfaces, and motion-sensitive projects.

Explore Projects Built with Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Raspberry Pi Pico-based PS2 Controller Emulator with ADS1115 Analog Input
Image of PS2Pico: A project utilizing Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter in a practical application
This circuit appears to be a game controller interface that uses a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller to emulate a PS2 controller, interfacing with a PS2 joystick and a PS2 console cable. The ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter is used to read the joystick's analog signals, and the microcontroller's SPI and I2C interfaces are utilized for communication with the PS2 console and the ADS1115, respectively. Additionally, an NPN transistor and a resistor are configured to handle the PS2 controller's acknowledge signal.
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Raspberry Pi 3B Powered 15.6-inch Touchscreen Display with USB Type-C Power Delivery
Image of Pi Touch Screen Kiosk: A project utilizing Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter in a practical application
This circuit powers a 15.6-inch capacitive touch display and a Raspberry Pi 3B using a USB Type C power delivery breakout and two buck converters. The Raspberry Pi connects to the display via HDMI and USB for touch functionality, while the power delivery breakout provides regulated power to both the display and the Raspberry Pi through the buck converters.
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Arduino Nano-Based Remote Control System with Joystick and Bluetooth Connectivity
Image of camera beginnings: A project utilizing Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter in a practical application
This circuit features an Arduino Nano microcontroller interfaced with various input devices including a 2-axis joystick, pushbutton, rotary potentiometers, and an ADXL345 accelerometer. It also includes an HC-05 Bluetooth module for wireless communication and multiple LEDs for visual feedback, all powered by a 9V battery.
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NodeMCU ESP8266 Controlled Drone with TFT Display and nRF24L01 Communication
Image of receiver/transmitter: A project utilizing Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter in a practical application
This circuit features a NodeMCU V3 ESP8266 microcontroller interfaced with an LCD TFT screen, an nRF24L01 wireless transceiver, and an Adafruit Analog 2-Axis Joystick. The NodeMCU collects joystick inputs and displays information on the TFT screen, while also communicating with other devices via the nRF24L01 module. The circuit is powered by a 9V battery, with the NodeMCU regulating the voltage for other components.
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Explore Projects Built with Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of PS2Pico: A project utilizing Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter in a practical application
Raspberry Pi Pico-based PS2 Controller Emulator with ADS1115 Analog Input
This circuit appears to be a game controller interface that uses a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller to emulate a PS2 controller, interfacing with a PS2 joystick and a PS2 console cable. The ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter is used to read the joystick's analog signals, and the microcontroller's SPI and I2C interfaces are utilized for communication with the PS2 console and the ADS1115, respectively. Additionally, an NPN transistor and a resistor are configured to handle the PS2 controller's acknowledge signal.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Pi Touch Screen Kiosk: A project utilizing Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter in a practical application
Raspberry Pi 3B Powered 15.6-inch Touchscreen Display with USB Type-C Power Delivery
This circuit powers a 15.6-inch capacitive touch display and a Raspberry Pi 3B using a USB Type C power delivery breakout and two buck converters. The Raspberry Pi connects to the display via HDMI and USB for touch functionality, while the power delivery breakout provides regulated power to both the display and the Raspberry Pi through the buck converters.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of camera beginnings: A project utilizing Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter in a practical application
Arduino Nano-Based Remote Control System with Joystick and Bluetooth Connectivity
This circuit features an Arduino Nano microcontroller interfaced with various input devices including a 2-axis joystick, pushbutton, rotary potentiometers, and an ADXL345 accelerometer. It also includes an HC-05 Bluetooth module for wireless communication and multiple LEDs for visual feedback, all powered by a 9V battery.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of receiver/transmitter: A project utilizing Adafruit Wii Nunchuck Breakout Adapter in a practical application
NodeMCU ESP8266 Controlled Drone with TFT Display and nRF24L01 Communication
This circuit features a NodeMCU V3 ESP8266 microcontroller interfaced with an LCD TFT screen, an nRF24L01 wireless transceiver, and an Adafruit Analog 2-Axis Joystick. The NodeMCU collects joystick inputs and displays information on the TFT screen, while also communicating with other devices via the nRF24L01 module. The circuit is powered by a 9V battery, with the NodeMCU regulating the voltage for other components.
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Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V to 5V
  • Communication Interface: I2C
  • Dimensions: 0.8" x 0.6" x 0.1" (20mm x 15mm x 3mm)

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Description
GND Ground connection
3V3 3.3V power supply input
5V 5V power supply input (with onboard regulator)
SDA I2C Data line
SCL I2C Clock line

Usage Instructions

Connecting to a Circuit

  1. Power: Connect the 3V3 or 5V pin to the corresponding power supply on your microcontroller. If using 5V, the onboard regulator will step down the voltage to 3.3V required by the Nunchuck.
  2. Ground: Connect the GND pin to the ground on your microcontroller.
  3. I2C Communication: Connect the SDA and SCL pins to the I2C data and clock lines on your microcontroller.

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Ensure that the power supply matches the requirements of your microcontroller to avoid damage.
  • Use pull-up resistors on the SDA and SCL lines if your microcontroller does not have built-in pull-ups.
  • When using with an Arduino UNO, connect SDA to A4 and SCL to A5.

Example Code for Arduino UNO

#include <Wire.h>

// Nunchuck I2C address (default)
const byte nunchuck_address = 0x52;

void setup() {
  Wire.begin(); // Initialize I2C
  Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication at 9600 baud

  // Initialize the Nunchuck

void loop() {
  // Request data from Nunchuck
  Wire.requestFrom(nunchuck_address, 6);
  while (Wire.available()) {
    // Read the 6 bytes of data
    // joystick X, joystick Y, accelerometer X, Y, Z, buttons
    byte joystickX =;
    byte joystickY =;
    byte accelX =;
    byte accelY =;
    byte accelZ =;
    byte buttons =;

    // Process the data (e.g., print to serial)
    Serial.print("Joystick X: ");
    Serial.print(" | Joystick Y: ");
    // ... Add additional processing and output for accelerometer data and buttons

    // Prepare for next data packet
    delay(100); // Delay before next read

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues

  • No Data Received: Ensure that the Nunchuck is properly connected and that the I2C address is correct.
  • Inaccurate Readings: Verify that the Nunchuck is calibrated and that there are no loose connections.
  • Intermittent Connection: Check for any physical damage to the Nunchuck cable or the adapter.

Solutions and Tips

  • Double-check wiring, especially the SDA and SCL connections.
  • Use the Wire library's setClock() function to adjust the I2C clock speed if necessary.
  • Ensure that the microcontroller's power supply is stable and within the acceptable range.


Q: Can I use this adapter with a 5V microcontroller? A: Yes, the adapter has an onboard regulator for stepping down from 5V to 3.3V.

Q: Do I need to install any libraries to use this adapter with an Arduino? A: The standard Wire library included with the Arduino IDE is sufficient for basic communication.

Q: How can I interpret the button data from the Nunchuck? A: The button data is typically provided as a byte where each bit represents a different button state. You'll need to use bitwise operations to extract the individual button states.

Remember to always handle electronic components with care and follow proper ESD safety procedures to prevent damage.