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How to Use ESP32 Devkit V1: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

Image of ESP32 Devkit V1
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The ESP32 Devkit V1 is a versatile and powerful microcontroller development board that harnesses the capabilities of the ESP32 chipset. This board is widely used in the Internet of Things (IoT) projects due to its integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionalities. It is suitable for a variety of applications, including smart home devices, wireless sensors, and robotics.

Explore Projects Built with ESP32 Devkit V1

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
ESP32-Based Environmental Monitoring and Alert System with Solar Charging
Image of mark: A project utilizing ESP32 Devkit V1 in a practical application
This circuit features an ESP32 Devkit V1 microcontroller connected to various sensors and modules for monitoring and communication purposes. It includes an MQ-2 gas sensor and a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, both interfaced with the ESP32 for environmental data collection. The circuit is powered by a 12V battery, regulated to 5V by step-down converters, and includes a solar charge controller connected to a solar panel for battery charging, a UPS module for power management, and a SIM900A module for GSM communication. Additionally, there is a WS2812 RGB LED strip for visual feedback and a piezo buzzer for audio alerts, both controlled by the ESP32.
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ESP32 Devkit V1 and OLED Display Bitmap Viewer
Image of Esp32_monochromeimage: A project utilizing ESP32 Devkit V1 in a practical application
This circuit consists of an ESP32 Devkit V1 microcontroller connected to a 1.3" OLED display via I2C communication. The ESP32 initializes the OLED display and renders a predefined bitmap image on it.
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ESP32 and Logic Level Converter-Based Wi-Fi Controlled Interface
Image of Toshiba AC ESP32 devkit v1: A project utilizing ESP32 Devkit V1 in a practical application
This circuit features an ESP32 Devkit V1 microcontroller connected to a Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter, which facilitates voltage level shifting between the ESP32 and external components. The ESP32 is powered through its VIN pin via an alligator clip cable, and the logic level converter is connected to various pins on the ESP32 to manage different voltage levels for communication.
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ESP32-Based Smart Weather and Health Monitoring System with Wi-Fi Connectivity
Image of Health Monitoring System: A project utilizing ESP32 Devkit V1 in a practical application
This circuit uses an ESP32 Devkit V1 microcontroller to interface with multiple sensors, including a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, a DS18B20 temperature sensor, and a MAX30102 pulse oximeter and heart-rate sensor. The ESP32 reads data from these sensors and can process or transmit the information for further use.
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Explore Projects Built with ESP32 Devkit V1

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of mark: A project utilizing ESP32 Devkit V1 in a practical application
ESP32-Based Environmental Monitoring and Alert System with Solar Charging
This circuit features an ESP32 Devkit V1 microcontroller connected to various sensors and modules for monitoring and communication purposes. It includes an MQ-2 gas sensor and a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, both interfaced with the ESP32 for environmental data collection. The circuit is powered by a 12V battery, regulated to 5V by step-down converters, and includes a solar charge controller connected to a solar panel for battery charging, a UPS module for power management, and a SIM900A module for GSM communication. Additionally, there is a WS2812 RGB LED strip for visual feedback and a piezo buzzer for audio alerts, both controlled by the ESP32.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Esp32_monochromeimage: A project utilizing ESP32 Devkit V1 in a practical application
ESP32 Devkit V1 and OLED Display Bitmap Viewer
This circuit consists of an ESP32 Devkit V1 microcontroller connected to a 1.3" OLED display via I2C communication. The ESP32 initializes the OLED display and renders a predefined bitmap image on it.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Toshiba AC ESP32 devkit v1: A project utilizing ESP32 Devkit V1 in a practical application
ESP32 and Logic Level Converter-Based Wi-Fi Controlled Interface
This circuit features an ESP32 Devkit V1 microcontroller connected to a Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter, which facilitates voltage level shifting between the ESP32 and external components. The ESP32 is powered through its VIN pin via an alligator clip cable, and the logic level converter is connected to various pins on the ESP32 to manage different voltage levels for communication.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Health Monitoring System: A project utilizing ESP32 Devkit V1 in a practical application
ESP32-Based Smart Weather and Health Monitoring System with Wi-Fi Connectivity
This circuit uses an ESP32 Devkit V1 microcontroller to interface with multiple sensors, including a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, a DS18B20 temperature sensor, and a MAX30102 pulse oximeter and heart-rate sensor. The ESP32 reads data from these sensors and can process or transmit the information for further use.
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Common Applications and Use Cases

  • Smart Home Automation
  • IoT Sensor Nodes
  • Wearable Electronics
  • Wireless Control Systems

Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

  • Microcontroller: ESP32
  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V
  • Input Voltage: 7-12V
  • Digital I/O Pins: 25
  • Analog Input Pins: 12 (ADC)
  • Flash Memory: 4MB
  • SRAM: 520 KB
  • Clock Speed: 240MHz
  • Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n
  • Bluetooth: v4.2 BR/EDR and BLE

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Number Function Description
1 3V3 3.3V power supply
2 GND Ground
3 EN Reset pin (active low)
4 VP GPIO36, ADC1_CH0, Sensor VP
5 VN GPIO39, ADC1_CH3, Sensor VN
... ... ...
38 TXD0 GPIO1, U0TXD, Serial1 TX
39 RXD0 GPIO3, U0RXD, Serial1 RX
... ... ...

Note: This table is not exhaustive and only includes a selection of pins.

Usage Instructions

How to Use the Component in a Circuit

  1. Powering the ESP32 Devkit V1:

    • Connect a power supply to the VIN pin for 7-12V input or use the micro USB port for 5V input.
  2. Establishing a Serial Connection:

    • Connect the TX and RX pins to a USB-to-serial converter to communicate with a PC.
  3. Programming the ESP32:

    • Use the micro USB port to connect the ESP32 Devkit V1 to a computer.
    • Select the appropriate board and port in your IDE (e.g., Arduino IDE).
  4. Connecting to Wi-Fi:

    • Utilize the onboard Wi-Fi capabilities to connect to a network for IoT applications.
  5. Using Bluetooth:

    • Implement Bluetooth communication using the board's Bluetooth functionality.

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Ensure that the input voltage does not exceed the recommended range to prevent damage.
  • Use a stable power supply to avoid unexpected resets during Wi-Fi and Bluetooth operations.
  • When using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, consider the power consumption and plan your power management strategy accordingly.
  • Be cautious with the GPIO pins' input voltage and current limitations to avoid damaging the board.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues Users Might Face

  • Board Not Recognized by Computer:

    • Check the micro USB cable and ensure it is not a charge-only cable.
    • Verify that the correct drivers are installed on your computer.
  • Wi-Fi Connection Issues:

    • Ensure the network credentials are correct.
    • Check the signal strength and distance from the router.
  • Unexpected Resets or Brownouts:

    • Use a power supply that can deliver sufficient current, especially when using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Solutions and Tips for Troubleshooting

  • If the board is not recognized, try using a different USB port or a different computer.
  • For Wi-Fi issues, try restarting the router and the ESP32 Devkit V1.
  • For power-related issues, consider using a dedicated 3.3V regulator if you're powering the board with a higher voltage.

Example Code for Arduino UNO

#include <WiFi.h>

// Replace with your network credentials
const char* ssid = "your_SSID";
const char* password = "your_PASSWORD";

void setup() {
  // Connect to Wi-Fi
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi...");
  Serial.println("Connected to WiFi");

void loop() {
  // Put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

Note: This example demonstrates how to connect the ESP32 Devkit V1 to a Wi-Fi network. Ensure that you replace your_SSID and your_PASSWORD with your actual Wi-Fi credentials.

For more detailed information, refer to the ESP32 Devkit V1 datasheet and the ESP-IDF programming guide.