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How to Use LM358 Op-Amp: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

Image of LM358 Op-Amp
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The LM358B is a dual operational amplifier (Op-Amp) designed by Texas Instruments, capable of operating with a single power supply and offering a wide range of voltage operations. This component is widely used in various electronic applications, including signal amplification, filters, voltage followers, and integrators due to its high voltage gain and low power consumption.

Explore Projects Built with LM358 Op-Amp

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
LM358 Op-Amp and Transistor Amplifier Circuit
Image of Lab 3 wiring diagram: A project utilizing LM358 Op-Amp in a practical application
The circuit includes an LM358 op-amp, NPN and PNP transistors, and resistors that are likely configured for signal processing or control applications. The op-amp is powered, and the transistors are arranged for switching or amplification, with resistors providing biasing and current limiting. The exact functionality is unclear without embedded code or further context.
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Light-Activated LED Control Circuit with LM358 Op-Amp and BC547 Transistor
Image of STREET LIGHT: A project utilizing LM358 Op-Amp in a practical application
This circuit is a light-sensitive LED controller. It uses an LDR to detect ambient light levels and an LM358 op-amp to compare the sensor's signal with a reference voltage. The output of the op-amp drives a BC547 transistor to turn on or off a set of LEDs based on the ambient light.
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Battery-Powered Force Sensing System with nRF52840 and OPA688P
Image of BCT-BLE-Sensor: A project utilizing LM358 Op-Amp in a practical application
This circuit is a sensor interface system that uses a Seeed Studio nRF52840 microcontroller to process signals from a force sensing resistor and a rotary potentiometer. The OPA688P operational amplifier conditions the sensor signals, which are then read by the microcontroller for further processing or transmission.
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LDR-Controlled LED Dimmer with LM358 Op-Amp and NPN Transistor
Image of Light-Sensor-Based-Switch: A project utilizing LM358 Op-Amp in a practical application
This circuit is a light-sensitive LED controller. It uses a photocell to detect ambient light levels and an LM358 Op-Amp to compare the light level against a set threshold, adjustable via a potentiometer. When the light level is below the threshold, the Op-Amp activates an NPN transistor to power an LED.
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Explore Projects Built with LM358 Op-Amp

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of Lab 3 wiring diagram: A project utilizing LM358 Op-Amp in a practical application
LM358 Op-Amp and Transistor Amplifier Circuit
The circuit includes an LM358 op-amp, NPN and PNP transistors, and resistors that are likely configured for signal processing or control applications. The op-amp is powered, and the transistors are arranged for switching or amplification, with resistors providing biasing and current limiting. The exact functionality is unclear without embedded code or further context.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of STREET LIGHT: A project utilizing LM358 Op-Amp in a practical application
Light-Activated LED Control Circuit with LM358 Op-Amp and BC547 Transistor
This circuit is a light-sensitive LED controller. It uses an LDR to detect ambient light levels and an LM358 op-amp to compare the sensor's signal with a reference voltage. The output of the op-amp drives a BC547 transistor to turn on or off a set of LEDs based on the ambient light.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of BCT-BLE-Sensor: A project utilizing LM358 Op-Amp in a practical application
Battery-Powered Force Sensing System with nRF52840 and OPA688P
This circuit is a sensor interface system that uses a Seeed Studio nRF52840 microcontroller to process signals from a force sensing resistor and a rotary potentiometer. The OPA688P operational amplifier conditions the sensor signals, which are then read by the microcontroller for further processing or transmission.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Light-Sensor-Based-Switch: A project utilizing LM358 Op-Amp in a practical application
LDR-Controlled LED Dimmer with LM358 Op-Amp and NPN Transistor
This circuit is a light-sensitive LED controller. It uses a photocell to detect ambient light levels and an LM358 Op-Amp to compare the light level against a set threshold, adjustable via a potentiometer. When the light level is below the threshold, the Op-Amp activates an NPN transistor to power an LED.
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Common Applications

  • Sensor amplifiers
  • Active filters
  • Audio pre-amplifiers
  • Voltage followers
  • Comparators
  • Oscillators

Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

  • Power Supply Voltage Range: 3V to 32V (or ±1.5V to ±16V)
  • Input Offset Voltage: 2 mV (Typical)
  • Input Bias Current: 20 nA (Typical)
  • Large Output Voltage Swing: 0V to V+ - 1.5V
  • Slew Rate: 0.3 V/µs (Typical)
  • Gain Bandwidth Product: 700 kHz (Typical)

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin Number Name Description
1 OUT1 Output of Amplifier 1
2 IN1- Inverting Input of Amplifier 1
3 IN1+ Non-Inverting Input of Amplifier 1
4 GND Ground (0V) Reference
5 IN2+ Non-Inverting Input of Amplifier 2
6 IN2- Inverting Input of Amplifier 2
7 OUT2 Output of Amplifier 2
8 V+ Positive Power Supply Voltage

Usage Instructions

How to Use the LM358B in a Circuit

  1. Power Supply Connection: Connect the positive power supply to pin 8 (V+) and the ground to pin 4 (GND). Ensure the supply voltage is within the specified range.

  2. Input Signal: Apply the input signal to the non-inverting input (IN1+ or IN2+) for a non-inverted output or to the inverting input (IN1- or IN2-) for an inverted output.

  3. Feedback Network: Connect a feedback network between the output (OUT1 or OUT2) and the inverting input (IN1- or IN2-) to set the gain of the amplifier.

  4. Output: The amplified signal can be taken from the output pins (OUT1 or OUT2).

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Bypass capacitors (typically 0.1 µF) should be placed close to the power supply pins to filter out noise.
  • Avoid exceeding the maximum supply voltage to prevent damage to the Op-Amp.
  • Use proper decoupling techniques to minimize the effects of power supply noise and ripple.
  • Ensure that the differential input voltage and the input voltage range are within the limits specified in the datasheet.

Example Circuit: Non-Inverting Amplifier with Arduino UNO

// Define the analog input and output pins
const int analogInPin = A0; // Analog input pin connected to the Op-Amp
const int analogOutPin = 9; // PWM output pin connected to an LED

int sensorValue = 0;        // Value read from the Op-Amp
int outputValue = 0;        // Value output to the PWM (LED)

void setup() {
  // Initialize serial communications at 9600 bps:

void loop() {
  // Read the analog value from Op-Amp's output
  sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin);
  // Map the analog value to a range suitable for PWM output
  outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
  // Change the analog out value
  analogWrite(analogOutPin, outputValue);

  // Print the results to the Serial Monitor
  Serial.print("sensor = ");
  Serial.print("\t output = ");

  // Wait 2 milliseconds before the next loop

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues

  • Low Output Voltage Swing: Ensure the power supply voltage is sufficient and check for any saturation conditions.
  • High Offset Voltage: This could be due to temperature variations or input bias current. Use offset nulling if necessary.
  • Instability or Oscillation: Check the feedback network and ensure proper decoupling and layout techniques are used.

Solutions and Tips

  • If the output is not as expected, verify the input signal and the feedback network.
  • Use a multimeter to check the power supply voltage at the Op-Amp pins.
  • Ensure that the input signals are within the common-mode range of the Op-Amp.


Q: Can the LM358B be used with a dual power supply? A: Yes, the LM358B can operate with a dual power supply within the range of ±1.5V to ±16V.

Q: What is the difference between LM358 and LM358B? A: The LM358B is an enhanced version of the LM358 with improved specifications such as lower input offset voltage and wider temperature range.

Q: Is external compensation required for stability? A: No, the LM358B is internally compensated for unity gain stability.

Q: Can I use the LM358B for high-frequency applications? A: The LM358B has a bandwidth of 700 kHz, which may not be suitable for high-frequency applications. Consideration of the gain-bandwidth product is important for such applications.