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How to Use SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED: Examples, Pinouts, and Specs

Image of SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED
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The SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED display module, manufactured by Solomon Systech (Part ID: SSD1306 SPI), is a monochrome display with a resolution of 128x64 pixels. This module is widely used in embedded systems for displaying text, graphics, and simple animations. Its compact size and low power consumption make it ideal for a variety of applications, including wearable devices, instrumentation, and portable electronics.

Explore Projects Built with SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
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Image of ESP thermometer reciever: A project utilizing SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED in a practical application
This circuit features an ESP8266 microcontroller interfaced with a 128x64 OLED display via I2C for visual output and an RGB LED controlled through current-limiting resistors. The ESP8266 provides power and control signals to both the display and the LED, enabling visual feedback and status indication.
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Arduino Nano ESP32-Based Real-Time Clock and OLED Display System
Image of Watch: A project utilizing SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED in a practical application
This circuit features an Arduino Nano ESP32 microcontroller interfaced with an SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED display and an RTC DS3231 module. The OLED display is used for visual output, while the RTC module provides accurate timekeeping. The microcontroller coordinates the display and timekeeping functions.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Arduino UNO with I2C OLED Display Interface
Image of OLED_Display: A project utilizing SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED in a practical application
This circuit connects an Arduino UNO to a 128x64 OLED display using I2C communication protocol. The Arduino provides power to the display and communicates with it via the SDA and SCL lines connected to the A4 and A5 pins, respectively. The embedded code initializes the display and prints 'Hello, World!' on it.
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Arduino UNO Controlled OLED Display with 9V Battery and Step-Down Converter
Image of digik: A project utilizing SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED in a practical application
This circuit features an Arduino UNO connected to a 128x64 OLED display via I2C communication lines (SDA and SCL), with the Arduino providing control signals to the display. A 9V battery powers the circuit through a 12v to 5v step-down power converter, which supplies a regulated 5V to both the Arduino and the OLED display. The embedded code on the Arduino is configured to blink an onboard LED with a 1-second interval.
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Explore Projects Built with SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED

Use Cirkit Designer to design, explore, and prototype these projects online. Some projects support real-time simulation. Click "Open Project" to start designing instantly!
Image of ESP thermometer reciever: A project utilizing SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED in a practical application
Wi-Fi Controlled RGB LED and OLED Display with ESP8266
This circuit features an ESP8266 microcontroller interfaced with a 128x64 OLED display via I2C for visual output and an RGB LED controlled through current-limiting resistors. The ESP8266 provides power and control signals to both the display and the LED, enabling visual feedback and status indication.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of Watch: A project utilizing SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED in a practical application
Arduino Nano ESP32-Based Real-Time Clock and OLED Display System
This circuit features an Arduino Nano ESP32 microcontroller interfaced with an SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED display and an RTC DS3231 module. The OLED display is used for visual output, while the RTC module provides accurate timekeeping. The microcontroller coordinates the display and timekeeping functions.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of OLED_Display: A project utilizing SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED in a practical application
Arduino UNO with I2C OLED Display Interface
This circuit connects an Arduino UNO to a 128x64 OLED display using I2C communication protocol. The Arduino provides power to the display and communicates with it via the SDA and SCL lines connected to the A4 and A5 pins, respectively. The embedded code initializes the display and prints 'Hello, World!' on it.
Cirkit Designer LogoOpen Project in Cirkit Designer
Image of digik: A project utilizing SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED in a practical application
Arduino UNO Controlled OLED Display with 9V Battery and Step-Down Converter
This circuit features an Arduino UNO connected to a 128x64 OLED display via I2C communication lines (SDA and SCL), with the Arduino providing control signals to the display. A 9V battery powers the circuit through a 12v to 5v step-down power converter, which supplies a regulated 5V to both the Arduino and the OLED display. The embedded code on the Arduino is configured to blink an onboard LED with a 1-second interval.
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Technical Specifications

Key Technical Details

Parameter Value
Display Type OLED
Resolution 128x64 pixels
Driver IC SSD1306
Interface SPI
Operating Voltage 3.3V - 5V
Operating Current 20mA (typical)
Viewing Angle >160°
Operating Temperature -40°C to 85°C

Pin Configuration and Descriptions

Pin No. Pin Name Description
1 GND Ground
2 VCC Power Supply (3.3V - 5V)
3 D0 (SCK) Serial Clock (SPI Clock)
4 D1 (MOSI) Serial Data (SPI Data)
5 RES Reset
6 DC Data/Command Control
7 CS Chip Select

Usage Instructions

Connecting the SSD1306 to an Arduino UNO

To use the SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED display with an Arduino UNO, follow these steps:

  1. Wiring:

    • Connect the GND pin of the display to the GND pin of the Arduino.
    • Connect the VCC pin of the display to the 5V pin of the Arduino.
    • Connect the D0 (SCK) pin of the display to the pin 13 of the Arduino.
    • Connect the D1 (MOSI) pin of the display to the pin 11 of the Arduino.
    • Connect the RES pin of the display to the pin 8 of the Arduino.
    • Connect the DC pin of the display to the pin 9 of the Arduino.
    • Connect the CS pin of the display to the pin 10 of the Arduino.
  2. Library Installation:

    • Install the Adafruit SSD1306 and Adafruit GFX libraries from the Arduino Library Manager.
  3. Example Code:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>

// Define OLED display width and height
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64

// Define the reset pin
#define OLED_RESET 8

// Create an instance of the SSD1306 display
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &SPI, OLED_RESET, 9, 10);

void setup() {
  // Initialize the display
  if(!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C)) {
    Serial.println(F("SSD1306 allocation failed"));
  delay(2000); // Pause for 2 seconds

  // Clear the buffer

  // Display text
  display.setTextSize(1);      // Normal 1:1 pixel scale
  display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE); // Draw white text
  display.setCursor(0, 0);     // Start at top-left corner
  display.println(F("Hello, world!"));

void loop() {
  // Add your main code here, to run repeatedly

Important Considerations and Best Practices

  • Power Supply: Ensure that the power supply voltage is within the specified range (3.3V - 5V) to avoid damaging the display.
  • Reset Pin: The RES pin should be properly connected to ensure the display initializes correctly.
  • Data/Command Control: The DC pin is crucial for distinguishing between data and command signals. Ensure it is correctly wired.
  • Library Compatibility: Use the recommended libraries (Adafruit SSD1306 and Adafruit GFX) for seamless integration and functionality.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues and Solutions

  1. Display Not Turning On:

    • Solution: Check the power connections and ensure the VCC and GND pins are properly connected.
  2. Garbage Display or No Display:

    • Solution: Verify the wiring, especially the SPI connections (D0, D1, CS, DC, RES). Ensure the correct pins are used.
  3. Library Initialization Failure:

    • Solution: Ensure the Adafruit SSD1306 and Adafruit GFX libraries are correctly installed. Check the I2C address in the display.begin() function.


  1. Can I use the SSD1306 display with other microcontrollers?

    • Yes, the SSD1306 display can be used with various microcontrollers, including ESP8266, ESP32, and STM32, with appropriate libraries and wiring.
  2. What is the maximum SPI clock speed supported by the SSD1306?

    • The SSD1306 supports SPI clock speeds up to 10 MHz.
  3. Can I use the SSD1306 display in low-temperature environments?

    • Yes, the SSD1306 display operates within a temperature range of -40°C to 85°C, making it suitable for low-temperature environments.

By following this documentation, users can effectively integrate and utilize the SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED display module in their projects, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.