The SparkFun Spectrum Shield is an innovative board designed for sound analysis and visualization. It enables users to input audio signals and outputs a visual representation of the frequency spectrum. This shield is commonly used in projects that require audio signal processing, such as creating visual effects in response to music, building graphic equalizers, or for educational purposes to demonstrate how sound frequencies can be analyzed and displayed.
Pin Number | Function | Description |
A0 | Strobe | Controls the multiplexing of the MSGEQ7 ICs |
A1 | Reset | Resets the multiplexing process |
A2 | Left Audio Out | Outputs the frequency analysis of the left audio channel |
A3 | Right Audio Out | Outputs the frequency analysis of the right audio channel |
A4 | Left Audio In | Inputs the left channel audio signal |
A5 | Right Audio In | Inputs the right channel audio signal |
5V | Power | Supplies power to the shield |
GND | Ground | Common ground reference |
#include <Arduino.h>
// Define the pin connections
const int strobePin = 2; // Connect to pin A0 on the shield
const int resetPin = 3; // Connect to pin A1 on the shield
const int spectrumPins[] = {A2, A3}; // Connect to pins A2 and A3 on the shield
void setup() {
// Set up the communication pins
pinMode(strobePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(resetPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(resetPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(strobePin, HIGH);
// Set up the spectrum pins
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
pinMode(spectrumPins[i], INPUT);
// Begin serial communication for debugging
void loop() {
// Reset the MSGEQ7 before reading the frequency bands
digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(resetPin, LOW);
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
digitalWrite(strobePin, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(30); // Allow the MSGEQ7's output to settle
// Read the frequency band amplitude from both channels
int leftChannel = analogRead(spectrumPins[0]);
int rightChannel = analogRead(spectrumPins[1]);
digitalWrite(strobePin, HIGH);
// Print the results to the serial monitor
Serial.print("Band ");
Serial.print(": Left=");
Serial.print(" Right=");
// Delay before the next reading
Q: Can I use the Spectrum Shield with a 3.3V system? A: Yes, the Spectrum Shield can operate at 3.3V, but ensure that the audio signal levels are compatible.
Q: How can I connect multiple Spectrum Shields to an Arduino? A: You can connect multiple shields in parallel, but you will need to manage the strobe and reset lines separately for each shield to avoid interference.
Q: What is the purpose of the MSGEQ7 IC on the shield? A: The MSGEQ7 IC is a graphic equalizer display filter that splits the audio signal into seven frequency bands, making it easier to visualize the spectrum.
Q: Can I use the Spectrum Shield without an Arduino? A: While the shield is designed for use with an Arduino, it can be used with any microcontroller that has the necessary analog and digital I/O pins. Adjustments to the code and connections may be required.