The Adafruit DC Boarduino is a versatile, breadboard-friendly development board that is compatible with the Arduino ecosystem. Designed for hobbyists, educators, and professionals, it provides a convenient platform for prototyping and creating microcontroller-based projects. The Boarduino's small form factor and compatibility with a wide range of shields make it ideal for applications where space is at a premium, such as wearable technology, compact robotics, and custom embedded systems.
Pin Number | Function | Description |
1 | RESET | Used to reset the microcontroller |
2-13 | Digital I/O | Digital input/output pins, PWM on pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 |
14-19 | Analog Input | Analog input pins (A0-A5) |
20 | AREF | Analog reference voltage for the ADC |
21 | GND | Ground |
22 | 3V3 | 3.3V output (from onboard regulator) |
23 | D13/LED | Built-in LED connected to digital pin 13 |
24 | 5V | Regulated 5V supply to power the microcontroller |
25 | GND | Ground |
26 | Vin | Input voltage to the onboard 5V regulator |
To use the Adafruit DC Boarduino in a circuit:
Here is a simple example of how to blink the onboard LED using the Arduino IDE:
// Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards.
int led = 13;
// The setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
// Initialize the digital pin as an output.
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// The loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // Turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1000); // Wait for a second
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // Turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(1000); // Wait for a second
Remember to select the correct board from the Tools > Board menu in the Arduino IDE before uploading the code to the Boarduino.
For more advanced usage and additional examples, refer to the Arduino language reference and the wide array of community-contributed tutorials and projects available online.